Oddworld Forums > Zulag Two > Off-Topic Discussion

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01-27-2002, 11:56 PM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
Statikk HDM
Outlaw Flamer
: Jul 2001
: Two Rivers
: 2,519
Rep Power: 25
Statikk HDM  (40)
Statikk HDM's law governing relative value

Have you ever wanted and coveted an item with an unquenchable fervor, only to possess the item and realize it isn't all it's cracked up to be? Well, i've played the Xbox and the PS2 and sad to say, I think i've lost considerable intrest in games. perhaps it's because I've played pretty but shallow games that has jaded me, but I could play a monster rancher or raystorm game on the "weak original" version of playstation and have hours of fun Tekken was off the hook, the Crash games for their time were mad crazy, and wild 9 is escapism fun. Skullmonkeys entertained me more than an xbox game that costed 1,000 percent more to perchase(4.95 vs. 50 dollars!) I played blitz with my cuz' for over 4 hours one day, with joking and booyahs abounding! My rule is this The more you want an item the less amazing it is once you have it . I thought i couldn't live without a new and improved system and when i finally got it I was underwhelmed. Posting here costed me nothing when i did it at the library, and now only a monthly fee that my mom and my family split. I can honestly say that i enjoyed playing a PSX game called skullmonkeys more than I did playing SSX Tricky. maybe I outgrew games or the fun ones elude me, but things usually aren't all they are cracked up to be
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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