Oddworld Forums > Zulag Two > Off-Topic Discussion

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01-22-2002, 12:35 AM
Steve the Gabbit
: May 2001
: burlington, MASS
: 52
Rep Power: 24
Steve the Gabbit  (10)

has anybody here ever had surgery?

cuzz i have and i thought it was somewhat of a fun experiance even though it was only on my ankle i thought it was rather interesting how amazing american medicine is considdereing that i was awake throughout the hole surgery
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01-22-2002, 01:02 AM
: Oct 2001
: the realms of the unknown
: 113
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Molluck2000  (10)

iv had laser eye surgery i couldnt see for a while and had to wear these dumb glasses for a week but after that i could see perfectly!!!!

[ January 21, 2002: Message edited by: Molluck2000 ]
"The meanest boss in the world, that's me!"...INDUSTRY MARCHES ON!
Chaos, panic, disorder - my work here is done.

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01-22-2002, 01:23 AM
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: Apr 2001
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Well, my dad died of thyroid cancer in 1997, and blood tests indicated that me and my sister had inherrited the desiese. This meant we had to have our thyroid glands in our necks removed. It wasn't a big operation. I stayed in hospital for a night, had the operation early next morning, and then went home the next day.
What happend was that they sat me on a trolley, wheeled me into the anisthetic room, injected something into my hand, and I layed back, closed my eyes and went to sleep. Didn't dream or anything. The next thing I remember was been woken up by the nurse to see if I was okay. I felt very groggy, and I couldn't move my neck. I went to sleep again, and I woke up to hear the surgeon tell my mum that my sister had cancer in her thyroids (it turned out that I did as well, but my tumour was smaller, and it could only be seen with a microscope). After that, they took me back down to the ward, and I woke up in my ward bed. I was then sick on the floor. The nurse cleaned it up, and I apologised to her. I think that made her day. Anyway, I was up on my feet after I recoverd from the anesthetic.
BTW, I was treated in Hammersmith Hopsital in London. The BEST ever hospital I have ever been to.
- DH

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01-22-2002, 01:29 AM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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: Apr 2001
: Rochester, New York
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

I haven't had surgery yet. How does it feel?

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01-22-2002, 03:51 AM
: Dec 2001
: Chattanooga, TN
: 22
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MakaveliThaDon  (10)

ya ive had surgury, one was i was racing at my local MX track and i over jumped a 50 ft jump and landed hard and crushed my left ankle, had to get a few pins.
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