Over all, I'm pro-life. However, I think it should be judged on a case by case basis. I think it's irresponsible, unhealthy and inconsiderate to get an abortion simply because having a baby would be an inconvenience to you. If that's the case, you shoulnd't be getting pregnant to begin with.
However, if someone is raped, or the baby has a horrific disease that would errode the quality of the child's life, then I think abortion might be a good idea if the woman wants to.
But I'm not really anyone to judge the decisions of others. If someone wants an abortion, one might argue that the rights of the unborn human being are not being considered. Then again, what is the definition of a human life. Is it a human life when it's been one day after conception?
As others have said, I too don't believe there are any black or white answers.