Okay, It's the ending of the school year (5 more days of school left) and you know what that means...
Okay, New York gives out state test called Regents, which this is it's third year of existence. Why do we take them you may ask? Well, you take them in High School starting in 9th-12th grade. New York State is considered the Highest education system in the USA (Yeah right! LOL) and we get hard test and stuff like that when people like in alabamba or minnosota don't get any! (LUCKY). By these, you can get into good colleges everythwere in The USA including New York. If you never take regents or get a regents diploma, then you will not be able to go to college in New York.
Okay, if you pass the regents, you get a regents credit. But if you fail it, like let's say chemistry, if you fail that, you have to take chemistry course all over again!!! And if you retake it and pass it, you will not get a regents credt you will get a local one which really suchs and are not respected as much as regents ones, and colleges love regents diplomas than local ones.
So, I'm studying and all that so i could pass the regents this year in my courses
P.S., sucks to be in NEW YOKR! Does'nt it??