Here's some general proofs:
Rule 1:
"For everything made, there is a maker"
If you have a table in your house, the chance is someone made it directly or indirectly for you. It did not made itself, or it was not made by a chance. Same rule applies for your car, your house, your clothes, your medicine, and everything else in your home or at your work.
The common sense says that there is a worker behind every work; there is a maker for everything made. Nothing is made by itself or by a chance. Sometimes things are complicated enough to take many steps and perhaps many people to work in until they reach you. Actually, it depends on two factors. First, how complicated this job is, and second, how much experience and intelligence the maker has. For example, you can find someone who is intelligent enough to finish a job by himself that is usually required many people to finish.
There is nothing in this universe that would not submit to this simple rule, everything is made by someone. For example, you will not believe someone who tells you that the complicated computer you are using now is made by a chance or by the nature! It will never happen. If we bring big pieces of some metals, chemicals, and leave them together, for even billions of year, are there a chance that they will react together in a very specific ways to create very specific memory chips, sounds, pictures - that governed by hundreds of scientific complicated equations and laws? What is the chance that they create very specific voltage, watts, bps, dimension, cache, network connection, modem speed, just to mention a few? Moreover, I have not mentioned the details of monitors, disk drives, or other very complicated parts! Also, I have not mentioned thousands of very complicated mathematical equations that work behind the seen. Examining the latest Y2K bug, it costs hundreds of billion of dollars just to fix the date. The fear of the consequences of Y2K was felt in every business. Any single computer has tens of thousands of line coding behind the seen. Sometimes, a single line of errors could disable your computer. Your computer will not be fixed even if it left alone for million of years. Nature will not fix it, and for sure it will not be fixed by a chance. The only way to correct your computer is to get a computer specialist to fix it. Now, who would believe, even for a second, that this computer could be created by a chance or by the nature? Few centuries ago, some people could believe this proclamation. But, today, after we discovered how compilcated everything in this universe, it is hard to beleive. United States spent billions after billions of dollars for over half a century, in research in Space. You ask any scientist, how much we know after all these years. The answer is very little. They will tell you how complicated the universe is, and how it is governed by millions of complicated laws that control everything in the universe. If you ask scientist about the smallest plant or animal, they will tell you how the system in each is fully equipped with wonders to keep each functioning smoothly. Can you tell me - in the age of science and technology- that all these come to existence by a chance or by nature? It will be a joke. Logically, it is not acceptable. In conclusion, we go back to the same simple rule in life, ‘for everything made there is a maker.’ Thanks to science. It helps us to get back to common sense.
This will lead us to an important question to visit:
How Things Are Made?
To make anything you need the following mix:
Materials or elements to use
Power to make things happen, such as electrical power, magnetic power, steam power, or human power.
Intelligence that applies common sense, physical laws, and logical thinking.
A touch of beauty that make things acceptable in smell, shape, and continuity.
To illustrate what I have mentioned above, let me take a simple task of making a table. First, you need materials such as refine wood, glue, nails, and paint. Secondly, you need tools to perform this task, such as hammers, pliers, and saws. Thirdly, you need human power, and perhaps electrical power to cut, glue things together. Fourthly, you need an intelligent person that understands the natural laws, the materials, and the ins and outs of the process. A power by itself, unless mastered by intelligence, could destroy instead of building. A power needs directions and control by an intelligent person to make it useful. You will not leave the materials to the wind power or the electrical power and assumes that they will make you a chair. Finally, you need a person that adds a touch of beauty to make the table doesn’t look ugly, but rather something beautiful, or may have a touch of great beauty.
Practice 1:
Think about something as big as a planet, or as small as a bacteria or about one function in human body or a mountain. Apply the above, common sense, rules to it. Think about what it takes to make it? Does time by itself is enough to create it? What is the chance for such a thing to happen- if there is any? Is it enough for the powers, by themselves, to make it without intelligence? And where this intelligence coming from?
Now, think about the beauty of what you select to think about. How beautiful is it? To have such a beauty, don’t you need a person with feelings to add beauty? Art and beauty needs feelings, this is the ABC of art. You cannot be an artist without a feeling. You can not express beauty unless you have a soul that tastes beauty. Apply this now to what you have selected to think about.
What is your conclusion?
Now, I would like you to think thoroughly about what we have concluded so far before we get deeper in lesson two.
Lesson Two:
Before advancing to lesson 2, it is better to summarize some of the rules of what we have learned so far.
Rule 2:
A power by itself, unless mastered by intelligence, could destroy instead of building. A power needs directions and control by an intelligent person to make it useful.
Rule 3:
Beauty needs feelings. Without feelings there is no beauty. To have a feeling, you need a person
Now let us continue in our discussion:
Rule 4:
There should be a first maker
To explain what I meant by rule number 4, let us talk about the bread on your table. Someone in your household had bought it from a store. Before that a driver carried it to the store. Just before that another person put it in a plastic, and another person before the last bake the bread. We can continue in this series of actions until we reach the person who plant the seeds in the first place.
So, all the actions will eventually come to the first action, in another word it comes to a person who was the initiator. Similar to a train, the last car in the train is pulled by the one just in front of it, and this one is pulled by another car ahead of it. All cars are pulled by another. But the end you have to have a beginning, an engine car that has the power to pull all the other cars. A one that has is the beginning of action, the initiator, the source, and the reasons for movement of all other cars that follows it.
Through a simple explanation, things you see are made of others, and those of others are in return made of others, and so on, until you reach the very first source. Because, it has to be a first source, a beginning. For example, a car is made of so many complicated systems, each composes from different component, and each component is made of different materials. These materials are made of different elements. So, finally, you reach the very basics, the elements such as iron, hydrogen and oxygen.
These elements are the basis for each material in the universe. Examining each element, you find its wonderful inner system that consists atoms that has electrons, protons and neutrons. Now, we come to the basics of basics, the beginnings of beginning. So, the whole universe is consisting from atoms. But in a wonderful and very intelligent ways the atoms arranged in different ways to make unique element, and these elements in return combined to produce materials, each is so unique also.
Let us think about what made the atom with all the laws and mathematical complicated equations that control its formation, its component, its unique characters, and its special behaviors in different positions and environments.
Could it be possible that nature, as a collective body of power, made the atom?
If we stop for a moment to think, our conclusion would be ‘no.’ It is impossible for just a power to think, plan with a vision that will build on the existence of an atom a whole universe, build an atom with the amazing structure as we know it today, and keep the structure from not being destroyed by another power or by a component of the original power. To keep something, you need to create the environment that keeps it. To create that environment, you need to understand in advance what are you trying to protect and the components of environment and the power balance of it. Can any power do that without intelligence, very high intelligence with very high understanding?
It is amazing to listen to scientists when they are making an experience and trying to understand all the factors that could affect the chemical reaction, for example, and try to control one factor at a time to reach a controlled experience. So, they admit that there are stable materials, and there are factors, and to make any intelligent changes you have to study hard and to make hard choices, and sometimes they can predict the end-result product. Some do all that in the laboratory, but when it comes to a discussion like ours they insist that nature made everything! How it could be my beloved scientist? If you, with all your intelligence and understanding, spend years trying to control the experience’s environment, how could you imagine that without any controlling the nature formed everything. We are dealing at the basis now, at the atom level, would it make sense that there should be an intelligent being who without any materials, at the time of beginning, formed the first component of a material, the atom. Don’t you agree with me that such a person has a great knowledge of all powers that exist in the universe? Don’t you think that intelligent being is so genius that he made the whole universe just out of these few components of atom?
Now we come to the conclusion of the following rule:
Rule 5:
In the beginning was a very intelligent being who put together the atom.
Think about the different elements: iron, copper, chlorine, sodium, and radium. Compare the different characters of each. If you have a friend who works in chemistry, ask him about the difference in between each atom. See for yourself how a difference in one electron and proton can make a big difference. Could be done by non-intelligent power?
Lesson 3:
The Amazing Systems
We stopped last at the very component of the matter, the atom and its component of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Now, we will examine something very large indeed, the Solar System. Look at the planets of the Solar System going around the sun. Earth, Venus, March, and the rest they go in circles around the sun. Very similar of what happens in the atom. In the atoms go in circles around the nucleus. We should stop here to think about what we see. The smallest is matching the largest. Isn’t that tell us about a one intelligent being that made both systems, and of course everything in between because everything in between is made of the atoms?
Here is the stamp of that intelligent being on both. They are not similar on the structure only, but to have these structures, you have to have similar power that keeps each in its place without being attracted to one another.
To made control of these powers in its smallest form. In atoms, and its largest form, in the solar system, you have to have understanding of all the power in the universe, the smaller and the bigger. You have to have control over the smallest and the largest powers in this universe. To have all these intelligence and power before starting of the matters, who is that being?
He should be all almighty, all-powerful, and all intelligent.
Rule 6:
There is one very intelligent being who made both the atom and the solar system, which is all almighty, all-powerful, and all intelligent.
Lesson 4:
Everything in Between the Atom and the Solar System
We stopped in last lesson at our comparison between the atom and the solar system. We concluded that both are having the same structure and power-controlling system. With this kind of similarities, the maker should be the same intelligent being. Everything in between these two, the smallest and the largest, are made of atoms: waters, rocks, mountains, mud, sands, and the rest. So, everything in between has the same structure. In other words, it was made by the same intelligent being. The same engineer who invented the first theory and made the atoms, afterwards, he used the atom to form everything else. He is the powerful being that used the original structure to apply to all. He first made the atom that can not be seen the naked eye, and used it in making the elements, and from the elements he made everything else.
I would like to imagine for a moment a universe in its first moments, a universe without earth or sun or anything else. Then came this intelligent being and made the atoms. You can imagine now that there were only useless atoms. The same being started shaped each atom differently to start having different elements. From the elements everything else was composed. Like a beautiful symphony composed with smaller tones by its composer, the world was composed from these elements by the same maker.
Therefore, scientifically, in the very beginning there were nothing until the atom was made and this was the beginning of making of this world.
If I am a pioneer who started a wonderful piece of art or a theory, people will not call me a maker, but a creator. If that intelligent being who started the atom, and the matter along with it, and from it everything else, isn’t appropriate to call him the creator, the father of the creation, and not only a maker. Doesn’t he deserve the title ‘The Beginning’, the alpha.
Lesson 5:
Who Is That Great Creator?
So far we have seen that being started the matter, and we could see his work grow from the smallest until it reached the largest. All made of the same elements. In a wonderful controlled-universe, he kept the characters of each element, chemical compound, and materials.
We need to think about the largest, the solar system with its an imaginable size. He, the creator, formed cleverly. Using the same theory, he balanced the power in a way that left all these planets go in circles around the sun. To make that huge-powerful system, what kind of a creator you are? You can’t be a short person. Even, if you are tall, how tall to reach the sun and manage her power with March?
The solar system is a part of a galaxy. Then, he took part in creating that galaxy too. Now, you can build on this knowledge in a step by step process, until you reach the conclusion that there is one creator of the entire universe.