Okay interesting thing to read for interesting people. What yer think?
Everyone else comes up with things like this sooo....
China. A country situated in Asia, featuring the worlds largest population. China’s population now exceeds well over one thousand million, meaning that a lot of people are living in the country with a limited amount of food and other resources. The Chinese goverment has realised this situation and has done something about it. They have come up with a strict birth control policy to stop more people filling the country.
The policy is that a family may have only a single child, and no more. While this might sound unfair at first, a family with a single child get the benifits of free education, allowances for the child, priority housing and pension benifits. However, a family who has two children gets none of these benifits and a fine from their earnings. Woman must be over 20 to marry and men must be over 22. Couples must have permission to marry and also must have permission to have a child. Every family has a family planning officer to keep them to the rules. These planners are the people that couples ask if they want a child. Planners are also avaiable at work. Sometimes people are paid to tell on people if they are pregnant which leads to the person bieng punished for law breaking. The goverment explains abortions as not a murder because the babies in question are not babies until they are born.
A lot of Chinese people are unhappy with these rules and one man even threatened to kill the birth control officers he was talking to if they forced him to take a vasectomy. This is an example on how the Chinese goverment is having trouble pushing its one child policy. From the goverments point of view, they must clearly control a population which has now passed the 1000 million mark. To many, the effects of the policy, from forced abortion and sterilsation to female infanticide, are very worrying. While a fair few people accept these rules, there are many who dont. The peasants who make up 80% of chinas population are proving to be very stubborn because of their wish to have lots of children to help them on the farms and to look after them when they are old. They prefer boys to girls to the point at which they will kill their child if it is a girl.
So what do you think? What aree your thoughts? Opinions etc.
P.S. You can congratulate me if you want. Took a long time to write ya know.