No single Final Fantasy is the same... there are 10 games (11 if you count FF Tactics) and every single one of them has a different storyline and different characters. There are some simalarities in each of the FFs however, like there is always a character named Cid/Sid, there is always an airship and there is always a Chocobo (hard to spot in the movie as it's only on a poster).
The game you are referring to is Final Fantasy VIII, which has sorceresses in it.
So likewise the movie has a different storyline also... although they did kind of change genre a bit with the movie, as the games aren't that much sci-fi (sometimes they have a little bit of sci-fi in them, but not much) and more of fantasy.
Unfortunatlely the movie hasn't gone as great as it was expected in the US (it went OK in Australia, came in at #2) but last I heard pre-bookings in Japan were going like hot cakes. Although I love the movie (have seen it 8 times) maybe it would have done better if it had a theme more closer to the games.
Heh, looks like Mullock is right, I am the one to answer all the FF movie questions.
Abe Babe...
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