Okay, here's my two cents.
I have everthing in me. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. My father is black, my mother is cocasian (sp?), my grandmother is from Kenucky, I have ancestors from Britain, Africa, and America. My step-father is Jewish, my mother is Christian, my father is African-aware (Kwanzaa & stuff), my step-sisters are Canadian, and my step-mother practices Wicken.
I am diversly multiracial, but I have completely white skin. At school, there are so many racist jokes, it''s just not funny anymore. We are foreign exchange student central. We have Arabs, Japanese, Mexican, African, and I even think we have a girl who speaks Dutch or something. When a racial jokes is said, at least one person in the room is absolutely offended. People leaving the class for no apparent reason is normal behaviour, and I belive that sometimes it is justified. SOMETIMES.
My advice is to not spread racial issues, whether it may be jokes, news, rumours, or any other grotuitous(sp) propaganda AT ALL.
And when it is said, walk away calmly. Let people know that you are offended, but simply don't waste any effort against it. People do indeed get the message, but it takes a long time, and when you know someone that does say offensive things regularly, all you have to do is think of how their parents played a role of it all, and you actually feel sad for that person. But when one of the jokes is turned toward you, you feel nothing but pity.
If you have the nerve and don't have anything to lose, think of something to say the next time something offensive is recited, and say it when it comes up.
In short, don't do anything, or try to make a world of difference in this manner.
There ya go.