I'm getting a feeling we are missing something here and I wanted to have a thread just to have a look at what might potentially be an ARG.
But first things first: I want to make clear that if I find anyone trolling in this theard they will be
infracted without a warning, so please keep it clean. Also if you don't believe there is an ARG going on, fine, you don't have to post about it in this thread.
So let's start, when going on the announcement page (
http://www.oddworld.com/soulstorm/) you can see the following message at the end of the page:
Template: Overflow, by HTML5 UP (@n33co) | modified in-house | CCA 3.0
When opening up the html code of the page you can find funny comments such as (note: I had to remove the '<' character so it's visible here):
!-- Far too many video game characters were harmed extremely badly in the making of this experience. In a sane world this would never have happened. We're sorry. -->
!-- INTRODUCTION -->!-- <<< INTREODTICcc >>> -->
!-- HELL04==five -->!-- L1PS -->
!-- <<< TRYING TO BRE===== -lostqmwaittypo- >>> -->
!-- <<< CAN ANYBO============================================ NEED TO TREYR ====== so thirsty need brew fol==== -->
When digging in the code I found references to those images:
I thus extrapolated and took a look at
http://www.oddworld.com/soulstorm/images/reveal1.jpg and found this:
This looks like the start of an ARG trail to me.
And now we got a picture of Abe's hand and OWI's tweet asks us if we "notice anything":
Can't say I see something maybe you have more luck than I do. To help here is a link to the high res version of the hand:
By the way I saved all the media files on TOGG if you want to have a look:
I also saved a copy of the announcement page on my server here: