What if that person is encouraging racial violence, and also pointing out a sale on hunting knives at a camping shop? Is there a line when they go from being a crazy person spouting shit to enabling violence?
Again, whoever goes and actually does that shit after listening to that person was going to do it anyway. 99.9% of people won't because they are not insane. The guy shouting that shit probably is though, and he has probably done some other bad shit that can get him locked up.
What about serial offenders? If you often make threats of physical harm, or arson, or something and are freaking people out is that ok? I mean shit, I can think of a few people in my life who I would take very seriously if they threatened to burn my house down. If they do that all the time to scare people into giving them money or something, that shouldn't be legal.
Okay sure, but that is at your discretion. If you are worried, then of course go to the police. I'm mainly talking about joke threats, like when that retard girl on Twitter tweeted that she was going to bomb an airline. She is a retard, sure, but arresting her for an obvious (albeit insanely unfunny) joke is just as, if not more retarded.
I'm not saying anyone should face legal action because of their jokes, but this "it's comedy so it's okay!" argument gets on my nerves.
It's not an argument, it's a fact. When someone tells a joke, it's a joke. That's what comedy is. I wouldn't expect you to know a lot about it, though.
Turning abuse or hate speech into a joke does not stop it being abuse or hate speech and should not affect its legal status.
Hate speech is a retarded phrase. It shouldn't be illegal, either, because who gets to decide what is hate speech and what isn't? Does hate speech hurt anyone? No. It doesn't. It only hurts their feelings, and if you don't like what somebody is saying then stop listening to it.
Racist arseholes have the right to be racist arseholes with their racist areshole friends. Like what I said before, only idiots will listen to them.
Arresting them is fucking tribal. Shall we stone them, too?
There's also nothing wrong with saying something against a comedian because you didn't like a joke they told, and shouting down people who do because it's "just a joke" gets old.
God I hope you never go to a comedy club, because you are going to ruin a fuckton of people's nights. It IS just a joke. And even if there's some element of truth to it, or they believe it? So fucking what?! How does that affect you in any way? Grow a sense of humour, for fuck's sake. You don't like a joke somebody made? So fucking what?
I'm surprised you can even hear them from all the way up in your moral ivory tower.
Something else I see just as often and that bothers me a lot more is this misconception about freedom of speech that because something isn't illegal to say people must provide a platform for you to say it. It's patently ridiculous to, for example, claim that banning someone, or discussion of a certain topic, from an online community is a violation of freedom of speech, yet I see it all the fucking time. Yelling about censorship when your post is removed only serves to dilute the conversation and give less weight to legitimate examples.
No, because on a public forum that is OWNED by a private party, they have a right to make their own rules. Stick to them or don't. Discuss them or whatever, sure. They might be retarded, but someone owns the place and actually has a right to make them.
See, with a forum you can either decide to join or not, you can't really do that with society, which is why people make more of a fuss about government law.
It's easy to dismiss those who complain about certain opinions or language as having their feelings hurt and overreacting. I can only assume people who do this haven't experienced what it's like to constantly hear people talking with hatred or disgust about them or a group they belong to. It's easy to shrug off an isolated incident of someone insulting you, but when it feels like the whole world thinks less of you because of who you are it starts to weigh down on you. Especially when people holding opinions like that can affect how easy it is for you to get a job or to get promoted and so on. Getting your feelings hurt and whining when someone points out that what you said is offensive is somewhat ironic.
I have had experience with all of that, for a very long time. And, I have been clinically depressed for the last 4 years. Do you know what I do when people insult me? I do not give a fuck because I am not a little baby who needs to be coddled.
It's also a pretty cheap tactic to try to make people seem less credible by associating them with obviously stupid ideas like that otherkin bullshit. Most people who promote social justice don't use Tumblr and most people who use Tumblr don't think people who claim to be otherkin are anything other than absurd.
That is what's known as a "joke", you braindead puss monkey. (That was also a joke so please don't go all triggered on me. Do you get it? Because you aren't actually a braindead puss monkey. That's what a joke is. It's funny. I doubt you have a sense of humour, though.)