I mean, I don't really see the point in another Oddworld wiki. This one isn't great but it could be if people like you, Xavier, added to some of its pages. I don't see much point in starting from scratch unless you really want to be the wiki admin or something.
I get your point about it being silly to have
another Oddworld wiki. But at this point it goes against so many things I want when I'm looking for a wiki that I can't bring myself to contribute. It's all over the place. It's absolutely painfull to look at on a design point of view, it's littered with advertising and for some reason it allows people to have blogs on it. And that's just a small subset of the problems I have with it.
Also, as already explained, it's full of crap at the moment and I don't think the current admins will like it if I go around and start deleting all the fanfiction/fanart content.
What the current wiki needs is to have the content of the pages backed up, have the platform rebuilt from a fresh install and have it repopulated with the good articles that are in there.
Also it's true, I wouldn't mind being the admin of this. Wil and I already came up with a global vision for the Wiki and I think I already proved I could dedicate some time for Oddworld on a regular basis by moderating this forum and keeping TOGG up to date.