Considering how well Stranger's Wrath HD sold, I've no doubt that New N Tasty will smash that goal.
I find it quite interesting that secretly at the back of our minds we all new Exoddus would be given the New N Tasty treatment, but it seemed that the developers were really quiet on it and never said a thing. I get the feeling though that Exoddus would be developed in a much shorter time than New N Tasty if they follow the same process that they did when they developed Exoddus back in 1998, keep the same engine and assets from AO but just add new characters and objects. For a more modern take, look at Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
I think it would be ridiculous to expect them to pump it out in 9 months again, the development time would be much longer since the environments actually have to be built rather than being a series of pictures. At least when they come to do Exoddus they don't have to design new puzzles and levels expect maybe adjusting a few of them to work properly on the new scrolling camera.
As for the price, I think £18 is reasonable, but my perspective may be different from everybody else. The last time I used Steam was back when you could only buy Valve titles off it, I never had a Playstation 3 and of course the Xbox 360 used Microsoft Points. So I don't really understand too much about the pricing on an indie game, but for me, it will be nice to get a PS4 game for a decent price, I got Battlefield 4, Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Need For Speed Rivals all in my PS4 Bundle, the only game I've bought since is Rayman Legends for £30 and even then that was only because it was on sale at the shop I bought it from. But to see EA (Who I assume set the price) charging £54.99 for a downloadable copy Need For Speed Rivals is just disgusting, even the extra cost of using the diesel in my car or paying bus fare to travel to a shop to pick up a copy still works out cheaper than downloading it, and it's not just EA being ridiculous as usual, COD Ghosts is the same price to. So I think £18 is an absolute bargain, I'd happily pay more but it seems people are unhappy paying just £18...
I would be happy to pay more not just because it's an Oddworld title, the game looks like a really high quality title and if the cost wasn't so high to get the game boxed and on a shelf then I could easily see this game being sold at shops.
Emjoyed Abe's Oddworld Oddysee Something Nice N Tasty
Last edited by JennyGenesis; 03-18-2014 at 02:28 AM..