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02-16-2014, 12:06 PM
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Does anyone else prefer Abe's Oddysee over Exoddus?

There is something about Abe's Exoddus that makes me not like it as much as Oddysee, even with the improvements like making multiple mudokons follow you, quiksave, etc. I think it might be the atmosphere. Oddysee felt like it had a better atmosphere and environment than Exoddus did.
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02-16-2014, 12:09 PM
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Abe's Exoddus was the first Oddworld game I ever played, aswell as the first game I ever played in general. As such it holds a special place in my heart, and though I now play Oddysee more because I've played Exoddus to death, I still prefer Exoddus.

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02-16-2014, 02:04 PM
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I've always preferred Exoddus but I'm not entirely sure why. Oddysee was my first Oddworld game, and it was years after I owned that before I even knew Exoddus existed. I think it might've be the gameplay length and the overall improvements to gameplay mechanics that appealed to me more at a young age, and thus it has come to be favoured in my mind. I am, however, aware of and appreciate the predominantly better atmosphere and depth Oddysee presents.
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02-16-2014, 02:16 PM
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I like Oddysee's forboding, spooky atmosphere a lot more, but I still prefer Exoddus for its artistic variety.

EDIT: So I prefer Æ, is what I'm saying.

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02-16-2014, 02:52 PM
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I generally prefer Exoddus for having better gameplay (and more of it!). But I acknowledge that AO has better atmosphere and more interesting production design.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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02-16-2014, 02:59 PM
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As with MM, the atmosphere of AO was fantastic and I don't feel AE replicated that. I loved that the Glukkons were borderline unintelligible in the cutscenes for instance. Being able to possess them in AE proved their infallibility was fleeting but it also required them to loose a lot of that mystery that you might expect the executives of enormous businesses to shroud themselves in.

AE though, was just a longer game in general, more variety, as MM said, better gameplay too. I guess I just love them the same but for different reasons...well maybe I love AO a tiny bit more..
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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02-16-2014, 04:09 PM
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I'm definitly sided with AO. I love the atmosphere and the story over that of AE. You could argue that they had almost identical stories, but AO went through the story first, so I didn't get the same mysticism in AE. I also felt like you had a lot less power in AO, which, for me, felt a lot cooler than AE. The thing I always would talk about when I was younger and tried to tell my friends about AO, was that it wasn't like most games, because you had little ways to fight. I thought AE had a lot more times that you could posses enemies. The addition of being able to posses Scrabs and Paramites definitely made me feel a lot more powerful too.

Over all, I revisit Oddysee considerably more, but both games are great. I think I just prefer atmosphere and story over gameplay.

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02-16-2014, 09:53 PM
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Oddysee for me. It was the 1st PS1 game I ever played when I was a wee miscreant. And it was on a demo disk. My earliest memory is being so awe struck when I exploded a slig after possessing it. That and the ambient music + abes chant interested me. Not sure why.

The whole game reminded me of the claymation tv show Plasmo.
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02-16-2014, 11:05 PM
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AO for me. Definitely.

It pulled me in far more than AE ever did. The faults in the gameplay didn't even bother me until a couple years back, when I suddenly forgot how the fuck to play and kept dying in the first secret area in FFZ because of missed jumps. I actually think that was because of a calibration issue, however.

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02-17-2014, 12:20 AM
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Exoddus is more flexible. Thematically, you could pass the same levels differently. In Oddysee you are bound to do it in the anticipated way.
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02-17-2014, 02:01 AM
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I prefer Exoddus. It felt more alien to me. Oddysee still had an incredible atmosphere, but I don't think the alien world was presented as well as it was in Exoddus. They both come very close though.
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02-17-2014, 02:04 AM
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Oddyssee == environment and atmosphere

Exoddus == world and gameplay

When I feel like playing one for nostalgia, it's generally pretty random which I end up on, although I'm definitely craving some Exoddus reading this thread.
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02-17-2014, 02:47 AM
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Like many of you guys:

Oddysee for its atmosphere.
Exoddus for its gameplay.

Hard to pick one favourite.

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02-17-2014, 06:12 AM
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There is something about Abe's Exoddus that makes me not like it as much as Oddysee, even with the improvements like making multiple mudokons follow you, quiksave, etc. I think it might be the atmosphere. Oddysee felt like it had a better atmosphere and environment than Exoddus did.
I deduce that this is becuase of the experience of the first time you played it. It, now, brings back fond memories of the 1990's whenever you do play it.


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02-17-2014, 09:29 AM
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Exoddus is my favourite. And in fact, My favourite video game of all time.

It felt like Oddysee only polished to perfection. Not only that, but I love the story and the humour. Oddworld was more realized in that game as well. All the different locations you visited helped that fact.

I have a lot of fond memories of Exoddus as well. I played that game before Oddysee and it was one of the first PC games I ever played.

I do agree that Oddysee had a better overall atmosphere. Stockyards and Rupture Farms are still some of the best levels ever created.

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Last edited by Crashpunk; 02-17-2014 at 09:35 AM..
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02-17-2014, 09:58 AM
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I totally agree with Crashpunk.
It is similar to my view.
Not that I don't like Oddysee, but Exoddus was my first game I ever played and my connection to this game in particular is so strong, that Oddysee will never top this!
For me, the gameplay was waaaay richer in Exoddus and the atmosphere in Exoddus was aswell. All the different new enemies, puzzles, areas where just brilliant.
And all that was made in 9 months!
I discovered Oddysee years after I first played Exoddus. That may be the reason why I don't admire it the way I admire Exoddus.
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02-17-2014, 11:28 AM
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Oddysee is amazing because of THE atmosphere. Exoddus is great because of longer story and pretty G*D DAMN good necrum! Overall, I think that Oddysee have something undescribable... The feeling of loneliness and being weak in alien, savage world. This is just amazing. Oddysee, Oddysee, Oddysee... ODDYSEE!

Last edited by Clannfear; 02-17-2014 at 11:34 AM..
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02-17-2014, 11:32 AM
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Oddysee was way better. I mean sure, Exoddus plays smoother and has richer mechanics, but it's just booooring. It drags on forever and none of the environments match up to AO's, except maybe the Barracks and the Brewery. And nowhere is the boredom more prominent than in the Brewery. It's just like if you took RF's Zulag 3 and kept adding more rooms to it, that and the mines are just the most grating environments in the game.
AO is always tense, is well paced and pretty fucking funny when it wants to be, whereas with AE it was trying to be too funny and toned down the atmosphere, AE didn't make me laugh as much as AO, but it did have a few good moments.
AE just dragged out for too long, and I get that they were trying to keep it new and fresh with the introduction of new mechanics throughout the game, but it just didn't work.
Please can you not say D!@m on a public forum, I am highly offended by it.
and the atmosphere in Exoddus was [richer] aswell.
I know it's an opinion, and opinions can't be wrong, but yours is.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

Last edited by Nepsotic; 02-17-2014 at 11:39 AM..
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02-17-2014, 12:03 PM
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I know it's an opinion, and opinions can't be wrong, but yours is.
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02-17-2014, 12:10 PM
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... has never been Nep's strongest suit.

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02-17-2014, 12:14 PM
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I think opinions can be wrong. Also, I like AO much more than AE, while still liking AE very much.
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02-17-2014, 12:17 PM
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BTW: Just noticed your banner-quote, MeechMunchie.
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02-17-2014, 12:33 PM
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How relevant.
I think opinions can be wrong. Also, I like AO much more than AE, while still liking AE very much.
I know they can, but I was just trying to be polite.
And yeah, I do enjoy AE, but AO was just much more fun. If it had some of it's flaws fixed, like the unresponsive controls and the ability to only have one Mudokon following you at a time then it would be near-perfect.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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02-17-2014, 12:36 PM
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If it had some of it's flaws fixed, like the unresponsive controls and the ability to only have one Mudokon following you at a time then it would be near-perfect.
You're right. But luckily we will have All'ya and Quiksave in New 'n' Tasty!
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02-17-2014, 12:39 PM
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Has that been confirmed?

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02-17-2014, 12:50 PM
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Quiksave is in it (said at the Eurogamer Expo2012 - Questions at the end)
And All'ya is in it aswell. I cant remember the interview right now though, sorry.

Edit: You could ask OWI, alternatively.

Last edited by Pirfsich; 02-17-2014 at 12:53 PM..
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02-17-2014, 01:42 PM
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Well then in that case, if JAW do it right, the remake should be perfect.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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02-17-2014, 01:50 PM
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Quiksave is in. I remember getting a little too happy when I heard it. :>

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02-17-2014, 01:59 PM
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Well then in that case, if JAW do it right, the remake should be perfect.

You're going to be the first one crying about how terrible it is. Don't kid yourself.
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02-17-2014, 02:07 PM
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I'm so glad about Quicksave being put in. That was one of my favourite things about AE.

I know it's an opinion, and opinions can't be wrong, but yours is.
I'm not even sure how serious you're being, but if you are, you're on the borderline of being a fucking bully. When will you grow out of this horrendous phase of attacking other people's opinions?
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