I remember this really well, which is surprising cause my memory is shite.
My memories of Oddworld actually began after I first started playing games. My Uncle is a big gamer so when the PS2 was announced, he decided to give his old PS1 to me. It came with Crash Bandicoot 1 and 2, Spyro 2, Tomb Rader 1-3 and... Abe's Oddysee.
I played the Crash and Spyro games first but never really touched AO or Tomb Rader. I remember messing about with the menus, but that's about it. Perhaps I got distracted when I got a Game Boy Colour, I remember playing Pokemon Gold non-stop for ages.
It wasn't until my other Uncle gave us a few games for our new family PC I played Oddworld for the first time. (He gave us Abe's Exoddus plus a few other games I can't really remember). I tried playing Abe's Exoddus alone but it scared the living SHIT out of me. I've already told stories about the game scaring me as a kid, long story short, I got nightmares.
So I told my Dad this and we decided to play though it together as we were both interested in it. -like a little project. We worked as a team to complete the game, I thought of different ways you could save the Mudokon or get past a part ect. whilst my Dad actually played the game. It took us many months to play but we eventually completed it with the Good ending.
After we finished it, we then realized we had Abe's Oddysee on the Playstation! completely forgot all about it! So me and my Dad did the same thing, we played though it together. It took us much longer than Abe's Oddysee due to the fact we couldn't Quicksave plus my dad was really used to the PC controls. Anyway, we did in the end. We didn't get the good ending though.
A few years later (around 2006-2007), I replayed the games on my own and that's when I got really into the series. I then joined the Oddworld forums back in 2008.
I still own my original copies of AO and AE, in really good condition too.
I owe my uncles and my dad for getting me into Oddworld as well as Gaming, If it wasn't for them, I might not of got into Oddworld at all. :O
-Oh yeah, My uncle who gave the PS1 got an Xbox around christmas time and I remember him playing Munch's Oddysee. I was blown away seeing Abe in 3D.