I don't think I want to see Munch in a 2D or 2.5D game. Munch is clearly a character that has to be played in 3D. I mean he doesn't really move vertically that well, all his movement are more horizontal.
Also what would be the point of redoing MO? I rather have MO HD released and then having JAW continuing the story by making a brand new game like either ME or SO.
I don't necessarily want to see a Munch game in 2/2.5D, but it's something that could definitely be made. Something that could be made very well, too. Like I said in my previous post, I'd like to see MO made how it was originally intended. For them to be able to include all they had wanted to include in the original that they weren't able to because of all the bullshit that went down.
Actually, I kind of wonder what they plan to do with future games with Munch. He's got a can full of eggs that are the only hope for his species' survival. I highly doubt gabbits mature in a few days/a week, so he's going to have his hands full unless they can somehow find some other amphibious creature on Oddworld to look after them in their natural habitat.
Or maybe they'll just have the muds look after them.
ME will obviously center around Munch's attempt to raise hundreds of gabbit babies.
Swim is a horizontal move so, unless you can have Munch dive underwater I expect water levels in 2D to be quite dull.
If MO were to be remade in 2/2.5D, it's likely there will be a lot more underwater puzzles specifically made for Munch. It's not impossible to change up the puzzles when completely revamping a game and changing the style of gameplay while staying fairly true to the original.