I agree that nothing really captured the same atmosphere after AO, due to the more comical tone. Some of the natives' spirituality and the industrialists' sinister appearance were lost when every character started wise-cracking in the exact same way.
When I look at the Mudokons (in cutscenes) or Grubbs when they're speaking, they just seemed like wise-cracking aliens, not tribal cultures who's very way of life was being endangered. I'm not saying that the humour is bad, only that it ended up shifting the focus away from the story/atmosphere a bit too much for my liking.
I've always liked that the industrialists and natives share each other's mannerisms. One could take that as an indication that they're all "cut from the same cloth-" that they're similar in mannerism to illustrate a connection between them. It also gives the Oddworld series et al its own unique tone.
If the Mudokons and other natives went around spouting faux-wisdom in an elderly tone, the writing would end up sounding hackneyed or stilted. The Raisin, I think, was the only exception they had. I feel like the tone is how Oddworld distinguishes itself from other franchises, especially considering these wiseass mannerisms are coming out of the mouths/beaks/fangs of things that look hideously alien.
The humor is Oddworld's brand.
The problem I've always had with the series' humor is that they spend so much time with the jokes that a lot of the characters are rendered as little more than jokes themselves. Very few characters seem like fleshed-out, fully realized people, and this is especially problematic with the industrialists. The scripts are written in such a way that you never have a chance to get to know the industrialists, even if their world is just as vile and greed-driven as one might imagine.
It's been stated several times that Abe is essentially a terrorist to them, but we never get to see how that impacts them (aside from Glukkons being worried and facilities being destroyed), and I think it's because Lorne doesn't really care, nor does he want us to care. It's not hard to see Oddworld as his revenge fantasy against people and groups that he's resentful towards- which is fine, you can do that (I'd be remissed if I didn't admit to falling back on that exact same muse once and a while)- but the really tough thing to do would be to show the impact Abe's terrorism is having on the industrialists, and even if it illustrates them exactly as he wants them to look (vile/greed-driven), it would still feel like a more complete story.
Maybe it's an issue with how little time is spent on them? Although that's probably because it's really Abe's story... I'm really only thinking back to Exoddus, here. Haven't even considered Munch.
Anyway, summary: It's always seemed like, rather than having detailed, interesting villains, Oddworld's idea of introducing an antagonist is to hold up a piece of paper with a crudely drawn Gluk and Slig on it with the words "Bad Gize" scribbled above it, with Lorn basically telling you to hate them. Maybe the humor is supposed to make that pill easier to swallow, but it really doesn't. It's funny dialogue given to characters we don't really know. Really interesting, realistic-looking characters who at least LOOK like they should be given more consideration than this.
I guess this is just the nature of Oddworld- bad guys bad, good guys perpetually beset, which is a shame, given the origins of the Glukkons. The Clakkers were the really the first time we've ever encountered a neutral/gray-area industrialist.
This is why I'm still crossing my fingers for Sligstorm- a more personal view of the world that the industrialists live in might be the best fleshing-out Oddworld could get since Stranger's Wrath.
In retrospect, this had far less to do with the humor of Oddworld and became my own personal gripes with the series so I guess I just took the opportunity to GO ON A