It's been YEARS!
Hey to all my Oddlets and fellow Inhabitants, Mistress of Oddworld here.
I haven't been on here properly in years and years and I apologise for that.
I also apologise for how retarded I was back in the day. I said a lot of immature and stupid things on here -facepalm- please forgive me.
As for a bit of a re-introduction, allow me to ramble on a tad.
I am 19 years old (yes, still a tad of a youngling, but over the years I've happened to get older as well. Thankfully)
I study full time, English, Computer Graphics, Computing Multimedia. I've applied to go to the Academy of Interactive Entertainment in Australia, which is a University dedicated to videogame artists and programmers. Fingers crossed I get in, I dream of working for Oddworld Inhabitants one day.
I'm a mother of two children, Mana and Wilhelm.
In a relationship with the almighty Venks I met on here when I was 12 or 13 I think.
He should be coming down to Australia for a year in a couple of months which will be lovely.
As for hobbies, I play games, I draw, I study, I'm a mother and that's about it.
Jeez, what a boring ol' life.
I also collect Pokemon merchandise and have a Pokemon themed bedroom, curtains, rugs and bedding are all adorned with the critters.
I'm planning on getting Abe's handscars (AO version) on my hands, his chest tattoo (AE) on my own chest, and the OWI logo over my heart. I would have done it already but I have a friend who wants to get the same tattoos done with me, but he is too young right now.
Uhh, what else..
Oddworld is my complete and utter passion in life. Because I'm lazy, here is a quick copy and paste from my DeviantArt journal going in depth as to why Oddworld means so much:
"ou've probably all noticed I am a fan of Oddworld Inhabitants. All of my internet aliases are AbrahamLure, MonkFish, MudokonSam, OddworldianPrincess and MistressOfOddworld...
(My Skype name is MudokonSam and even my facebook address is /AbrahamLure as well!)
For those that don't know, Oddworld Inhabitants is a videogame company. One of their main creature races is known as the "Mudokons", and one such Mudokon is known as Abe. His full name is Abraham Lure, and his original concept name was Monkfish. Now, the Mudokons are like ants in that they have a queen per "colony" that births all the eggs and does all the breeding. All other Mudokon "workers" are male. The queen of Abe's "colony" goes by the name of Sam. One of my favourite internet signatures I have is "I AM MUDOKON SAM". And that is why- I would love to be queen of such a beautiful race!
Long winded heartfelt story as follows:
I first experienced Oddworld when I saw my big brother playing "Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus" and I thought to myself- "I'm going to play that game when I'm older."
A week after I got my first PlayStation one (An SCPH-7502 model for anyone that cares for the dozens of PS1 models out there!) I was in a second hand shop, plucking out Sonic The Hedgehog II for the Sega Master System II (another console I loved to use) I stumbled across a copy of "Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee" in all it's black disc, chunky case glory! My heart leapt into my throat and I felt so excited and thrilled, not to mention it was only a sweet 10 bucks. I got my mum to buy it for me and for the rest of the day out in town, I told my mum I didn't want to go in the shops with her and thus I sat in the car for HOURS reading the little manual that came with the game case over and over, cover to cover. There was a point in my life where I could recite each and every word of that manual, from the intro seizure warning/PAL region phone numbers all the way to everyone's names on the end credits. I kid you not when I said I read that thing every day like a devout Christian with a bible.
"But OddworldianPrincess" you ask, "why are you so batshit insane? What's so crazy good about this game? Why don't you have a life? Why are you such a sad person?"
Well, that's the thing. I WAS a sad person. I was treated very poorly, malnourished so badly I had a BMI of 14, and abused in many different ways. My mother would happily lecture me for hours each day about how worthless I am. Once she lectured me for 4 hours straight from midnight to dawn, causing me to oversleep and miss my schoolbus, making me miss my one and only camping trip I would have had in highschool. I was not "Ceri", I was "bitch". "Come here, bitch", "Go to hell you stupid bitch!" Even my dad who loved me, started to call me bitch. I truly believed I was worthless to the world, pathetic and unhelpful. I still feel that way 80% of the time. xD
Anyway. Back to Oddworld.
Abe is the main character in Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. He is a skinny, scrawny guy. With a bad case of flatulence.
He works for some really ungrateful, greedy people in a meat factory. The Magog Cartel, known as "Glukkons".
One day he finds out the Glukkons plan to kill him and his fellow slaves and turn them into "Mudokon Pops" for profit.
So good old Abey decides to rescue all of his fellow Mudokons. Now remember, he is a skinny weakling. You die in one hit, slingshot, or if you fall from too big a height.
His only method is to "chant" which enables him to possess "Sligs", the armed security guards of the factory.
As you progress throughout the game, you learn about how poorly the Mudokons have been treated, that they are actually a tribal and spiritual group of people, supposed to live out in the wilderness and not raised in factories.
You also find out that the animals the factory "RuptureFarms" process and package up are going extinct, being poorly treated and that they are actually a huge part of the native Mudokon's way of life. All of those species are connected, and the Glukkons have torn that all apart, donning suits instead of loincloths, cigars and billlboards instead of chanting and campfires, factory lights instead of basking under star lit skies.
And like Abe, I slowly began to realise that the "job" I loved, (being the daughter to my mother) was not a job, I was not loved, just used as something to take anger out on. There was no kindness, just cruelty.
And the more I realised this this, the harder it got because I realised just how badly I needed to escape from there. It truly was a matter of life and death for me.
Going through highschool and then running away from home, discovering a world where people truly loved and trusted me was an incredibly spiritual journey for me. It was so traumatising learning I had been brought up like dirt. I had no idea until much, much later.
And like Abe, I came to this realisation, went on my journey and I helped (and still do!) everyone I can. My ultimate goal is to one day love and trust myself, the metaphor being transforming into the Mudokon god, the "Shrykull".
And that is why I have changed my profile picture. This is also why I want to get a tattoo of the Oddworld Inhabitants logo right above my heart.
This game means everything to me! It dragged me out of a place that was slowly killing me from the inside out and showed me what potential I truly have.
Sometimes, it's the skinny guys with no weapons that are the biggest heroes of all.
Thank you, Oddworld. "
That pretty much sums it up (on a small scale)
I could talk about Oddworld for hours on end every single day. Dammit, I could repeat myself over and over and I'd still be pretty ok with that.
Long live Oddworld, and hello to everyone! How have you all been? It's awesome to see so many people still using this site and so many new guys as well.
- Mistress of Oddworld.
"...Come with me to the Deep Fry..."