Two feet aye? A lot of 4 foot midgets on your volley ball team then?
Let me see, I do enjoy playing sports, and activity in general, but then that's juxtaposed against my nature as a lazy sod who doesn't like to leave his bedroom unless he has to. Back in the day, I'd play rugby every Sunday, but a variety of things killed that for me. When I was in secondary school I'd play football every lunch time almost everyday for about two years, cant say I was very good but it was fun. I'd like to play sevens or league now, but unfortunately, when my metabolism sped up and my body looked even vaguely athletic, my stamina packed its bags and now lives somewhere in the south of France, far far away from me.
I think I should get back into cycling, I loved biking but since I lost my tyre pump, I haven't been able to use my bike. If I could get a few friends together, I'd really love to try cycling to somewhere far away and back, not necessarily Scotland, but maybe the Pennines or something. Unfortunately out of the sixty or so people I hand out with, literally one of them still enjoys cycling, because...if it's not weed, it's not fun any more right? ¬_¬
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.