So you're more of a tinkerer or a techy than a hacker?
I like to do what ever works I loaded my Xbox 1 with a 2.0TB that I plan on loading with a bunch of DVDs pretty soon the XBOX is the best entertainment center out there.
But yeah I like to tinker with things more. But if it means being able to play games without paying then by all means I'll do it, Companies make a million dollar games the same way Hollywood spends a billion dollars just to make a movie, I doubt any of them are going to go bankrupt soon. Not to mention the contracts they get from M$, claiming that companies will go bankrupt over piracy is a pansy ass excuse imo. We buy there consoles after all...I just think people act like jealous fucks in all honesty when it comes to getting free stuff because they don't know how to do it or are scared of there own shit.