Ill post the pic below. but the reason i got the tattoo is because ever sence i was 6 (when i got the game). funny how me and my dad decided to get the game. we went to i think CompUSA or something it was some store and we saw this white box with abes head in a manhole and cool looking creatures on it, so dad thought fuck it lets get this and try it. We spend months playing through the crazy levels with the amazing scenery and music that goes perfect with each theme of the maps. I was amazed at this game and i had even passed the game around to friends to get them hooked on Oddworld. Ever sence ive been a big big fan of Oddworld games. I Just bought the OddBoxx last night after finding out it was released and ive been waiting for it for a long time.but anyway, This game has effected my life so much, it was the 1 thing me and my dad played through for hours. i dont think we ever shared something with such amazment i felt. and it has been a part of our lives sence. So i decidced to get the Mudomo vault symbol tattooed on my arm. My dad is getting the same thing here soon. I will always and forever have oddworld in my life now. It was the only thing i could relate to back then . I didnt have that many friends so i turned to abe and idk i felt liek he understood me? i have no idea lmao but anyway heres the pic, it turned out perfect. In the furture i plan on getting the mudanchee symbol on the other forearm. And with this, i will always remember the fun times i had with my dad playing this game. My opinion, Oddworld was the best and still is best side scrolling game ive ever played. im so glad we ran into it randomly at that store
TL;DR: got a tattoo cause the game effected life so much