This was a while ago but I wrote it down so I didn't forget then I did but then I remembered.
I went to one of my three annual lectures at the Cheltenham Science Festival. It was entitled Intelligence of the Living Cell. The guy speaking, Brian Ford, clearly had an axe to grind - he spent half the time slagging off the BBC for not representing microbiology well enough and refusing to make his TV shows - and he didn't go as in-depth as I would've liked, but he did have a nice little showreel he'd made of single-celled organisms behaving intellegently.
And he used some old E3 footage of Spore to make a point. Will Wright said that "bacteria don't really have eyes, but we put them on to make them look a bit cuter", prompting Brian to go off on another rant, this time about how a lot of microbes do have eyes, do have mouths, do have arms, do have bladders, do chase thei prey. Overall, a good, broad but shallow tour of the wonders of the very small.
Also saw Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die on BBC Two. Brave, sensitively made and well balanced. Also, OMG Terry Pratchett plays Oblivion!