I don't know about you guys, but
Abe's Exoddus was the only game that I could have played over and over and over again. One holidays (being a loner) I grabbed the game and played it after it had not been touched for about 5 years. I started playing it and BAM through out the whole holidays I finished it 9 - 11 times. Non stop, I was literally playing it till about 11 each night then would go to bed, then wake up and play it
I was one weird little child.
I don't know about you guys but I think that is a great amount, I don't know if you would think this is weird but I only found out about a year ago there was an
Abe's Oddysee and I played that, and I have only finished that once. But it wasn't as enjoyable as Exoddus ^_^
So the fellow members of the Oddworld Forums.
How many times have you finished an Oddworld Game?
PS. I lost the game