Dont you just hate the mines in Abes Exoddus/Oddysee
You know the ones, the ones that you crouch next to and have to tap the top while they're green. I HATE THEM!!! Espesaliy when your a noob who can't do jack sh**.
__________________ Why did Sarah fall off the swing? Because she has no arms.
I hate the four in abes exoddus, where in the first part a Mudokon has two mines on either side of it... GOD DAMMIT YOU STUPID MINES, STOP BLOWING THE HELL UP
__________________ Why did Sarah fall off the swing? Because she has no arms.
lol I know I'm just being an ass hole, but I don't mind the mindes, I actually like that part where you have to disarm three in a row and they all have different sequences. Once you get the patterns down they're actually kind of fun to disarm, I'm sure some people on this site have all the patterns committed to memory like some kind of Oddworld idiot savant lol.
I replayed AO recently and found the mines really simple. I think I blew myself up once in the whole game. I remember that I loathed them when I first played it though. You just need to feel the rhythm of the beeps; I'd suggest even ignoring the red/green lights and just listen to the sounds.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.
Sometimes I nod my head left to right to get a feel for the mines.
I do that with the native whistling passwords. Those always confuse me because the higher pitched whistle is to the left on the keyboard and the lower pitched is to the right, opposite to the notes on a piano.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.
the first time i played it i spent days on the first UXB, not realising you can just jump it, you can usually jump most of the UXB's in AO, i can only think of 2 you have to de-activate, the first one in paramonia, and just one of the three in a line in the paramonian temple. there might be a couple more but i cant think of them off the top of my head
the first time i played it i spent days on the first UXB, not realising you can just jump it, you can usually jump most of the UXB's in AO, i can only think of 2 you have to de-activate, the first one in paramonia, and just one of the three in a line in the paramonian temple. there might be a couple more but i cant think of them off the top of my head
Didn't you have a hissy fit and leave the forums because everyone found you annoying?
Anyway, I don't really mind the mines. I just look at the pattern and say it in my mind so I know when to defuse them.
UXB's are cool because they add a bit of depth into the game, anyone know the stockyards scene where there's two sligs and two rocks that are dark and the screen before there's an UXB and a secret bird portal. Well on that I only got the slig to follow me into the UXB once, my PS game decides now that I should just wait for two minutes until the sligs are perfectly aligned then just creep/dash past them and climb up to safety!
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.
UXB's are cool because they add a bit of depth into the game, anyone know the stockyards scene where there's two sligs and two rocks that are dark and the screen before there's an UXB and a secret bird portal. Well on that I only got the slig to follow me into the UXB once, my PS game decides now that I should just wait for two minutes until the sligs are perfectly aligned then just creep/dash past them and climb up to safety!
Yeah that part really annoys me. I think it's glitched so it's very difficult to get a slig to follow you. I've only ever killed a slig with the UXB twice.
It's all a matter of timing. One thing about the oddworld games is that there's very little, if any, randomization - certianly, sligs have none. I think scrabs, glukkons and greeterz do, but nothing else.