MS1029 was a guy who came here and followed the line of so many other unfortunate noobs of trying to be a useful member and instead just ending up spamming lots (cf. Your sig, I guess, plus many others including Mars the Mudokon and Ackril the Vykklig). After several warnings and infractions and getting horribly mauled by the local noob-maulers, he decided to give up on his attempts to fit in and instead settled for spamming fulltime, after which he caught gorman disenza (aka. he got perma-banned). Now he fills his time by creating new accounts in an attempt to re-enter the forum and continue his spampage, while Nate fills his time by identifying and deleting them. This has been going on for two or three years now.
He's like a demon king from one of those epic fantasy game series that keeps getting resurrected and unsealed every time someone decides to make a sequel, and Nate is the hero who keeps slaying him using a magical sword knowneth as 'Your Account must be Verified by an Administrator Before you can Begin Posting'.
Last edited by Splat; 07-08-2010 at 02:37 AM..