But, life goes on. Leto may be upset, but the forums hardly consumed his life, as they did to so many people here. In fact, he has moved on already. The spirit of these forums is now in a different place.
The Glass Dildo, to be precise. Yes, Leto has created a new board for those who wish the forums to continue as they were. It is not trolling-centered, but is a friendly (sexier) place without the mistrust and recrimination that characterise the Oddworld Forums at the moment. It is to here that I and several others have retreated. We feel safer there.
To those who stay here, I respect your decision. There are many of you who are still fans of OANST and DI, and have little interest in sucking other cocks. That is your decision. There are some who support the removal of Leto. If you have looked at what has been said, and decided that their penis is bigger, then I respect your decisions as well.
But I would hope that there would be many here who didn't simply come here to discuss nothing of value, but came here as a brief escape from heterosexuality, to discuss whatever they liked in a non-threatening environment. Even if you remain at these forums as well,
The Glass Dildo is for you. For all of you. Enjoy it.