Lorne Lanning was recently featured in a panel discussing Cybercrime, privacy and police on the internet.
You can watch the discussion
here, and also a longer personal statement from Lorne
At the same time, he also took the opportunity to announce his new social networking project:
The Antisocial Network"
My thesis is this: If enemies can attract and engage in fun together, they will grow closer. And on that basis, [I'm working on a project that will grab] a global base of users that are attracting for all the wrong reasons towards one another, contextualizing their angst in the real world and connecting it to the angst that they display in game experiences.
It's a crazy idea. It's a bit radical and insane, but I believe it will work.
This project is called the Antisocial Network. There's a lot of social networks happening out there right now, but the Antisocial Network is the place you're going to find your real enemies, then lock and load.
He also confirms that he's started a new company called "Oddmobb Inc.", though I'm not sure if that means they've dropped Oddworld Inhabitants (any of you mods know?).
Apparently the site
www.oddmobb.com will be up soon.