Inglourius Basterds. It wasn't bad, but it was really long.
Now for more detail.
It's got lots of flair. The soundtrack (LOTS of classic Ennio Morricone) was superb. A lot of the cinematography (especially shots panning over walls and through floors) was keen, and the dialogue fit the film itself well.
Brad Pitt was good, Eli Roth was crazy, but good, and Christoph Waltz just stole the show. He was incredible.
Now, like I said, it's long. Almost two and a half hours long. It's not two and a half hours of action packed Nazi killing, either. That caught me off guard. But the two and a half hours still sticks, and you don't actually realize it's so long until the middle.
There's a scene where Waltz's character (Basically the antagonist) is speaking to a Jewish girl whose family he killed a few years prior, oblivious. While he's speaking to her, he's eating a pastry, and the scene just goes ON AND ON AND FUCKING ON. All of his lines are spoken through this food in his mouth, and I'm sitting there simultaneously bored out of my skull and pissed that they make it so uninteresting.
It's possible that the above scene was ruined by this this obnoxious asshole in front of me who blocked the subtitles with his head. I kept having to sit up far to see over it, but didn't want to block the screen for the people behind me. Right near the end he sat up even farther. I fucking hate people like that. I wanted to punch him, or something. Inconsiderate asshole.
So the scene doesn't end. Then it still doesn't end. Then it ends. Okay. Good job, scene.
The ending is...probably one of the most satisfying endings I've ever seen. It's just excellent.
Not as good as District 9, but still an absolutely great movie. It has a lot of good drama, and plenty of laughs. There are a shitton of scenes of peoples faces. They're just fucking huge.
I see you jockin' me.
Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 08-22-2009 at 09:49 AM..