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07-13-2009, 10:27 AM
stonetooth's Avatar
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Life in Prison District C

Life in Prison District C

There is a prison so big on the continent of Mudos that it has simply been named Prison City. It is made up of four different districts and has a army of guards to keep every last prisoner in line. District C is the least worst of the four districts, but the guards there are very corrupt, doing deals with the prisoners for chill pills and other drugs. The guard captain plans to take on a "righteous" crusade to eradicate all these corrupt guards and get rid of all the drugs in district C. This is the 'story' of Prison District C.

OK guys, first, my rules.

Rule #1: Maximum of three characters
Rule #2: If you plan to only post something in OOC, try to avoid doing that unless it is important information like if you will be gone for a certain amount of time.
Rule #3: No more than 2 to 3 posts a day, I don't want it to be a two-sided RP.
Rule #4: Whatever is in the RP rules section; http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=15073

And finally, my characters. Oh, and P.S whenever you type up your character(s) preferably add what they are (guard, inmate, etc.) in their race in parenthesis.

Name: Ziglet
Race: Slig (Guard Captain)
Gender: Male
Age: 24 (Human Years)
Appearance: A very short slig, he wears a over-sized police-like hat, and has long dangling arms.
Personality: He's a very loud and annoying slig, but if you can somehow befriend you he may let you get away with certain things.
Equipment: A baton and a uzi for the occasional runaway prisoner. He wears a giant overcoat/jacket thing that covers up a bit of his metal pants.
Bio: He was considered one of the weaker sligs at birth and was thought to die days after his birth because of him being the runt of the litter. But to others' amazement, he somehow survived and became a very aggressive slig. He worked in district C for multiple years, until he was finally given the much-deserved promotion of Guard Captain.

Name: Mongo
Race: Outlaw (Inmate)
Gender: Male
Age: 19 (Human Years)
Appearance: He is very big and brutish, very wide (but it's all muscle) and he looks very mean sense he has lots of scars from all the fights he has been in in District C Cafeteria.
Personally: He may look mean and angry, but he's very friendly to people who actually get to know him. He is also very obedient to his friends and crew.
Equipment: He wears red pants and a ripped and torn up faded purple jacket. He uses no weapons but his fists for fights.
Bio: He was found by a squad of guards wandering around in a city nearby the prison and was thought of as a threat to the populace of the area and was attacked by a squad of ten guards, one getting killed and three other badly injured by Mongo. He hasn't fought a guard ever sense then, only other inmates.

Name: Kreda
Race: Mudokon (Inmate)
Gender: Female
Age: 22 (Human Years)
Appearance: She wears traditional native mudokon clothing and is medium in heighth, usually standing a little bit taller than average mudokons.
Personality: She is thought of by most in District C as weird, but she is a good person if people get to know her and she is friends with Mongo. She likes explosives so is considered a 'terrorist'.
Equipment: She has a lighter (which entertains her, she also loves fire) and has a small shank for protection if Mongo isn't around.
Bio: Not much is known about her as she doesn't commonly tell people about her past, perhaps because she doesn't want to remember it. All that is known is that on the first day whenever she arrived she lit a guard unfire with her lighter, which was confiscated from her but eventually given back.
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

Last edited by stonetooth; 07-13-2009 at 03:53 PM..
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07-13-2009, 12:43 PM
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Name: Dulce
Species: Slig (inmate)
Age: 12 (note that sligs have a life expectancy of about 20 years)
Gender: Male
Appearance: A little scrawny with a mask that’s held together with duct tape but decent (if slightly battered) pair of dull grey pants.
Personality: Generally bitter and ill-tempered. He’s a persistent worker who tends not to give up once he’s started something (though in the last two years in prison he’s had very little to start). Before his imprisonment, he was pretty introverted, and while he's still not a social flower, he'll accept and form bonds with other people now. He dislikes authority (as result of being imprisoned, rather than a cause) and does not inform on his fellow inmates, instead bartering his cigarettes off of them (he smokes like a house on fire).
Equipment: Box of cigarettes, matches.
History: Dulce used to work for the law firm, Decorum Est Pro Bulla Mori. He was a hard worker, and was with the company for nine years, earning himself a long-term-workers contract which ensured him long-term job security and a hefty pension should his employment ever be terminated. So when Decorum Est Pro Bulla Mori hit hard times and the chroniclers used a loophole to sack him without so much as a penny, he was not best pleased. In his anger, he made several threatening fone calls to the boss of his ex-company, before confronting him in the street to frighten him. Unfortunately, he was caught by the chronicler’s bodyguards and taken to court, where the lawyers turned his simple act of intimidation into fully blown attempted murder, and he was given five years in a prison cell, though over-smoking and his generally declining health mean he’ll likely not see the sentence to its end.

Name: Scream
Species: Big-bro-Slig (Guard)
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: Muscles bulge and a he has a sea-rex skeleton tattooed over his arms and across his back. His mask isn’t particularly fancy and he’s smaller than some big-bros, but his bulkiness and generally vicious look go a long way to making him into an intimidating figure.
Personality: Scream likes to work out; favourite sports include weight lifting and boxing, though he doesn’t often use a punching bag. Scream likes to frighten people, both inmates and fellow guards. He likes to see people with morals, cus it’s fun making them break.
Equipment: Blitz-packer, mainly for looks. He has knuckledusters for both hands and carries a flick-knife.
History: From a young age, Scream has always made it his aim to frighten people into submission, and has often been the leader of his own gang wherever he’s been. He’s worked at the prison for five years and is quite a high-ranking guard. Another few years and he might make Captain.

Decorum Est Pro Bulla Mori - It is fitting to die for one's boss.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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07-13-2009, 01:23 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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Name: Azkiz
Species: Musklum (Guard)
Age: 21 (human years)
Gender: Male
Appearance: For those of you that aren't familiar with Musklums: Azkiz looks like quite a typical creature of his own species. His body is like that of a mudokon's, except quite gaunt and slimy, with longer legs and a smaller torso. His face is like that of a Slig's face, but with much shorter tentacles, and eyes that bulge out more. Over his face and neck is a snail shell, VERY close to resembling a hood. His basic body colour is yellowish, and his shell hood is reddish orange. Azkiz always wears black shorts, and a dark red/brown bullet-proof vest.
Personality: Lazy, laid back, and wise cracking. Azkiz hardly cares a thing about his job as a prison guard. Actually, he loathes such a career. Azkiz would rather sit back, relax, and NOT work at a prison. So this guy is open about his feelings towards such a job. He typically likes to mock others for whatever thing they fail at (Especially other prison guards), So he can also be quite dislikeable. If not, annoying. He's prone to fall asleep on the job, or do something that doesn't involve guard duty. He doesn't care about what goes on in the prison, and would lazilly shrug it off. Azkiz can actually do his job right, but mostly if there's something in his interest. Otherwise, he's just a friendly, useless guard.
Equipment: Uzi and clothing
History: Azkiz's past is uknown, even to himself. Whoever his queen was (assuming Musklums HAVE queens), the little baby Musklum was immediatley taken away from her, and sold to a business gluk as a worker slave. For years, Azkiz was just a common employee forced into the industrialized world. He didn't think it was THAT bad. After all, he's made friends here and there, and no doubt, he likes to mess with and negatively criticize his bosses' work. It was really quite a simple life. Not as hard as those clutzy Mudokons, or those violent Sligs.
During that time, there were plenty of tree-hugging terrorists on the loose. Visciously murdering proud business leaders. Azkiz himself cared not for the news, and bravely (well, stubbornly) tells his bosses about what might happen to them when That Abe Guy comes over to their workplace. That's when the big cheese decided to make more security, more power, and more guns. Azkiz was forced into security business, learning how to use weaponry (no matter how bad he was at it). Not too long after, Azkiz's workplace got threatened by "Prison City" after a number of the meals they had recieved were actually poisoning prison guards. They promised not to press charges, as long as the business would give away some of their employees as prison guards ...... Well, Azkiz was one of em'
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07-13-2009, 03:16 PM
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i see what you did Chronicler, Azkiz. XD

Name: Frank
Race: Wovlark(Guard)
Gender: Male
Age:34 (earth)
Personality: Hard worker that follows orders to the letter. He can be very mean sometimes, but can also be reasonable.
Equipment: sleeping gas, Has a sniper rifle for when he is in the guard tower and pistol for a side arm, along with a standard police baton.
Appearance: bullet proof vest, gas mask, and helmet. Sometimes will wear standard police cap.
Bio: Frank used to work in the most dangerous district as Elite guard. He then got transferred to district c due shortage of man power. He mans the guard tower and occasionally watches the monitors in the security office.

Name: Taze
Race: Big Bro Slig(inmate)
Gender: Male
Age: 36(earth)
Personality: grumpy, mostly a silent fellow. He can be the jerk of the prison sometimes.
Equipment: Big Bro pants
Appearance: wears normal mask and inmate orange jump suite.
Bio: sent to prison for attacking armed officers, he mostly spends all of his time in the court yard. He dose not get into much fights, but he will when he losses his temper.
The other inmates sometimes consider him the outcast, due to the fact he spends most of his time alone.

Name: Mr. Masta
Race: glukkon(warden)
Gender: male
Age: 50(earth)
Personality: clever, shifty, and probably one of the most corrupt warden prison city ever had .
Appearance: Black big cheese suite. consistently smokes on cigars (obviously)
Bio: Mr. Masta used to be the assistant for the last warden. Masta would describe him as “soft and spineless”, so he got him fired and took his place. His goal is to keep every prisoner inside the prison, even if it means having them shot. He is also concerned about the drug problem as well, so he will do what ever it takes to get rid of them.

Last edited by mr.odd; 07-13-2009 at 05:02 PM..
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07-13-2009, 03:41 PM
stonetooth's Avatar
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Just a little note, guys: Inmates can where whatever, because the prison is too cheap to actually pay for uniforms, so prisoners usually are forced to wear whatever they enter in, and clean their clothes on occasion.

Edit - Oh, and I might as well tell you all the different areas that your prisoners/inmates etc. can go to.
A. Cafeteria
B. Cells
C. Courtyard
D. Laundry Room
E. Showers/Wash Room
F. Warden's Office
G. Guard's Barracks
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

Last edited by stonetooth; 07-13-2009 at 03:44 PM..
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07-14-2009, 08:28 AM
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Name: Wevar
Race: Slig (Veteran Guard)
Gender: Male
Age: 40 (Earth Years)
Personality: Wevar is one of the highest ranking guards. His attitude to life is that everyone deserves a second chance. He is a good mannered guard who follows orders but often wishes he could fulfill his own dreams.
Appearance: Wevar carries a tazer and a 6-chambered revolver. The revolver is of particular note because it is equipped with tranquilizer rounds. He wears blue body armor and has an old-style visor (but with a blue tint for the eyes). His body looks older than the typical Slig, but he has plenty of muscles and is otherwise healthy.
Bio: Wevar has always been a free-spirited Slig. He thinks about nature a lot and understands other people very much.

Name: Bonest
Race: Slig (Junior Guard)
Gender: Male
Age: 11 (Earth Years)
Personality: Bonest is a kind Slig who's only goal in life is to achieve success in his career. His main problem is lack of experience.
Appearance: He wears a Junior Guard sash made of polyester and carries a little truncheon and a standard issue pistol.
Bio: Bonest is young Slig who was just drafted from the Sliggies academy a few weeks ago. He's still a bit of a newbie so he'll often ask his friends for advice. He found a friend in Wevar, who often teaches newbies the ropes. His name comes from a phrase spoken while he had a cold. He pronounced Honest with a B instead of an H, hence the name.

Name: Noah (EDITED)
Race: Mudokon (Inmate)
Gender: Male
Age: 23 (Earth Years)
Personality: Noah is a well behaved but somewhat cheeky young Mudokon.
Appearance: Noah is wearing a thin white t-shirt with no sleeves. He often wears his chain necklace, which was a gift from a friend.
Bio: Noah was sent to the prison for a petty offense. He should be out in a few months time. He was in the Skillya facility for a short period of time but got kicked out due to incompetence. He went from place to place, never finding a native village. He was born in the industry.

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by AlexFili; 07-14-2009 at 11:59 PM..
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07-14-2009, 09:05 AM
stonetooth's Avatar
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Sligies academy? Lol nice name. So many sligs.

Anways, I'm thinking about getting this thing started once we get one or two more people in, you guys OK with that?
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

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07-14-2009, 09:25 AM
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Yeah I like the word "Sliggies". It reminds me of Piggies .
I'm absolutely fine with a new RPG. This is going to be quite good.

To get in the prison mind-set, I recommend everyone watch one (or all) of the following films;
A Clockwork Orange, Scum, Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile

If you already have, well done.

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07-14-2009, 09:31 AM
stonetooth's Avatar
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Do you think I could perhaps find these on youtube? Like in parts?
I've watched one, don't remember what it was called, but it was a pretty hardcore prison movie.
The warden made prisoners fight each other, kind of like wrestling except alot more dangerous, and one of the prisoners cut off the wardens tongue. :P It was pretty cool.
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

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07-14-2009, 10:35 AM
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That sounds quite gritty. The best way is probably dvd, but if you don't have them... there are a few mini-movies on youtube. (where they do the whole film in 10 minutes).

I also recommend One Flew over the Cukoo's Nest.

I stream games and art now!

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07-14-2009, 12:07 PM
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There does seem to be rather more guards than inmates... and rather more sligs than mudokons...
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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07-14-2009, 12:12 PM
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If we're in a prison environment, which typically includes thousands of inmates... can we just have a large NPC mass? That would be good for most roleplay situations.

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07-14-2009, 01:19 PM
stonetooth's Avatar
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Only NPCS I can think of that are necessary are cafeteria workers and maybe custodians, but I doubt we are going to be talking to them, now are we? And there are indeed more guards than inmates. Not good.

Edit: We have 5 guards, 5 inmates, 1 guard captain , 1 warden. 12 overall.
1 mudokon, 5 slig, 2 big-bro slig, 1 outlaw, 1 musklum, 1 wolvark, and 1 glukkon. Majority is sligs.
7 sligs > 5 other races
But then again, sligs are very common, I'm just thinking we may need maybe 1 or 2 more mudokons, and for sure some more inmates.
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

Last edited by stonetooth; 07-14-2009 at 01:27 PM..
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07-14-2009, 01:26 PM
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I could change my Slig inmate character into a Mudokon if that would help the situation?

I stream games and art now!

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07-14-2009, 01:27 PM
stonetooth's Avatar
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Perhaps, perhaps. If it isn't a problem with you, of course?

Edit: Haha, I just noticed: Tribe of Akuafobeea had lots of sligs too. :P Seems most Oddworld Role Players love sligs.

And yet another Edit: I think we need to cut down one guard and make him into a cafeteria worker or inmate or janitor or something. We could use a janitor. Don't want our jail to get messy. :P
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

Last edited by stonetooth; 07-14-2009 at 01:33 PM..
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07-14-2009, 02:50 PM
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lets see if i can get into this RPG thing, haven't done it since i first joined on W@RF.

Name: Forret.
Race: Mudokon (janitor).
Gender: Male.
Age: 32 (mudokon years).
Appearance: A tall, skinny mudokon, who wears an old pair of grey janitor trousers and a scruffy white shirt that he keeps unbuttoned. This same shirt has a material name badge with 'Forret' stitched into it.
Personality: He is half deaf so speaks quite loudly, and seems to be oblivious to gang culture and people dropping hints.
Equipment: He owns his own broom, which he has had for many years, and is always seen with it, even if there is no need for it.
Bio: He is quite old fashioned (due to his age) and isn't too afraid to stand up to a bully in the workplace, even if it is an inmate. But he knows his place and will most likely back down not long afterwards. He has worked for many different people, and was even a station master at a small FeeCo Depot station, which he was pleased with, seeing as sligs usually got the job. He isn't as strong as he used to be, but he seems not to have realised this and is repeatedly injuring his back whilst working.

Name: Rallin.
Race: Mudokon (inmate).
Gender: Male.
Age: 20 (mudokon years).
Appearance: Rallin is quite a stocky mudokon but is also quite short, which makes him less intimidating. He wears a red checkered jacket and brown trousers.
Personality: Rallin is quite sarcastic about other people, but cant take what he deals out. He is always looking for a cheap laugh. Quite a few people know him in different prisons, including Keeya, Sronti's and District C.
Equipment: Rallin has a small shiv tucked into the back of his trousers which he tells no one about.
Bio: He hates people being sarcastic about his short stature, and often lashes out at such prospects. He has been arrested, convicted and and served time in jail 11 times, all of them no longer than a year at most. All the crimes were theft related, and his recent crime was stealing and joyriding a mine cart in a small mining facility, meaning he was sentenced to 10 months. Rallin hasn't worked on anything harder than the mining facility he is currently owned by, and even there he only pushes the empty carts back to where they belong. He has always had it lucky, all his life, but he may be nearing the end of it. His life and his luck. But he is still lucky for not working in a tougher workplace, otherwise he would have been shot by now for his attitude and list of offences.

Last edited by MA; 07-14-2009 at 02:54 PM..
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07-14-2009, 05:52 PM
mr.odd's Avatar
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Are we ready to start? We have about 14 characters.
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07-14-2009, 06:31 PM
stonetooth's Avatar
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Sounds good guys. I'll set the mood/environment.

*It's around mid-day, and everyone is in the cafeteria. The inmates are eating, the guards are watching the prisoners intently - or atleast some are -, and the staff at hard at work. The Guard Captain, Ziglet, is walking around the cafeteria, questioning many different guards and inmates, apparently following up on a lead to a drug dealer. But then again, that's common. So basically, just a normal day in the District C.*


Mongo and Kreda ate at one of the far tables, eating the crappy slop that was served and talking.
"Kreda, have you seen some of these newbies? There's loads of 'em. I think they brought in somewhere 'round one hundred today, jeez." he said with a chuckle.
"Doesn't surprise me, seems more and more are getting sent to District C. Hopefully we can get some of the newbies to join us over here, so our little "gang" won't be so weak anymore." Kreda said with contempt.

Ziglet ran around the cafeteria, looking around at everyone, making sure there were no dealings of drugs being done. After checking out everyone, he decided to take a stroll to the barracks and greet some of the fresh guards, and maybe go see where the Warden was.

*edit* (THERE I FIXED IT ALEX!!!!!)
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

Last edited by stonetooth; 07-15-2009 at 10:50 AM..
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07-15-2009, 12:36 AM
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OOC: I think you mean 'greet' the guards, not 'great'
Arrr, a grammar pirate, I be! (Please note; this post was most certainly not edited by any mods, ever )

IC: Wevar was standing next to one of the water pumps on the way to the barracks. As he looked around, he saw Ziglet. He waved to him and then walked alongside him. "Nice to see you Zig. How are things?".

Bonest was in the barracks. He was punching a block of wood with his fist, trying to break it (like in Kill Bill vol.2). His fist was getting sore now, but he was trying to get past the pain barrier.

Noah had finished ordering his Paramite soup and sat down at a table near to Mongo. He didn't join in but just listened to the conversations around him. He was hoping to pick up some tips from other inmates while he was here.

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by Splat; 07-16-2009 at 11:05 AM..
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07-15-2009, 10:17 AM
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IC: Forret, the mudokon janitor, was in the cafeteria with his beloved broom (as usual), and was obliviously irritating inmates by sweeping under their chairs. He reached Mongo and said "'scuse me." whilst sweeping under his chair rather annoyingly.

Rallin walked over to the counter in the cafeteria and helped himself to a bowlful of sloppy scrab meat stew. He sat down at a table in the midst of the room and tasted a spoonful of the stew. "Blagh!" He said quite loudly once the substance reached his taste buds, "Has this meat gone rotten?"
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07-15-2009, 11:02 AM
stonetooth's Avatar
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Ziglet continued to walk to the barracks and replied to Wevar, "Well, things are getting better. I found a lead on some guard that deals drugs to inmates. And, I have to go greet the new guards. Want to come with me?" He said, keeping the same pace that he had started at from the cafeteria, and wandering into thought whilst Wevar was thinking of a reply.

Mongo looked over to the new mudokon that took the seat next to him and looked at him, raising one of his eyebrows." 'Ello, mud. Why are yo-" in mid-sentence he was cut off by the janitor pushing up against his chair and mopping underneath him. "Hey, what the hell are you doin'? Mind screwing off, your annoying me!" He said in an angry voice to the janitor.

Kreda laughed loudly, both at Mongo yelling at the janitor and at the abnormally loud mudokon that shouted something about his meat going rotten, as did multiple other people. Kreda looked down hungrily at her food and grabbed the bowl of soup, swallowing it down in less than a minute.
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

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07-15-2009, 01:48 PM
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Wevar nodded. "Drugs eh... Those Scrabbers will never learn eh? Yeah I'll come with". Wevar flicked a switch on his mechanical pants and followed Ziglet. Wevar was closest to Ziglet out of all the inmates. He wished he was as close with the other guards but he just didn't really get to know many of the others. Maybe talking to a few rookie guards would help build up his confidence.

"Sha! Sha! Sha!". Bonest was still trying to break through the wood. So far the only thing he'd broken was one of his knuckles. "Sha! Sha! Sha!", he pulled back his fist and slammed it forwards with all his might, "Shaaa!". The wood broke with a loud crack. Bonest smiled, although his hand still hurt from the pain of the impact and the splinters. Bonest put his hand under the cold water tap for a few minutes to let the pain subside. His hand felt a lot better now. He turned around to see the barracks door open. He instinctively raised his hand in a salute.

Noah matched Mongo with one of his own raised eyebrows. 'This Outlaw is trying to talk to me? Well I don't suppose I can refuse'. He watched the janitor and smiled, "He's just cleanin', leave him be". Noah sniffed his meat, bit into it and smiled once more. "It's rotten alright, but it's always that way. If they gave us regular food, we'd have enough food to break free". Noah chuckled, "It's actually better than yesterdays. Must only be a few days out of date".

I stream games and art now!

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07-15-2009, 01:59 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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Behind a pair of doors leading to the cafeteria, the strange sounds of beating echoed on. *Bum Bum ... thump thump .... Bum Bum ... thump thump* The noise continued on in short repetition. Continueing as a man's deep voice began speaking unidentifiable words, muffled from behind the doors .... That strange, deep voice grew louder and louder, along with the chains of thumps and beats.

That's when the doors swung WIDE open, and in full boom! A Musklum carrying around a large, broken up radio entered in. His box of booms played Elvis Presley's "Jailhouse Rock!" (Don't ask me why The King is on Oddworld). Singing along with the song was Azkiz's gurgling voice. "You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing! Let's rock! .... Everybody, let's rock!". The Musklum quickly switched off his radio, ready to speak to the community of murderers, cut-throats, pirates, thieves, banditos, terrorists, and every other species of Jailbird.

"G'morning Everyone! Ain't it a sweet new day?! What wit' da cruddy food and all!" Azkiz said in a sarcastic voice, very well knowing on how this would prove to be the opposite of Good, sweet, and new. The guard dropped his gun on the floor at his feet, and turned his song back on. "Everybody in the whole cell block! ... Was dancin to the Jailhouse ROCK!"

Last edited by Chronicler; 07-15-2009 at 02:02 PM..
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07-15-2009, 03:59 PM
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IC: Frank was cleaning out his locker, scraping off the grime and sanitizing it to his liking. He pulled out a bunch of old newspapers and swept them into the trash bin, along with other scraps of junk he horded away. As soon as frank saw the door to the barracks open, quickly Frank stood up and gave a salute.

Taze continued to sit and eat his meal. he preferred to be alone, so the Musklum was not helping his mood today. Taze stood up and walked to the courtyard.

Mr. Masta awoke after having a little nap from the piles of paper work on his desk. He grumbled as he stood up from his chair. He let out a good yawn before heading off to the barracks to see how the captain was holding up.
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07-15-2009, 04:22 PM
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Ziglet replied to the saluting guards with a, "At ease, lads." and walked to the center of the room. He turned to one of the guards, a wolvark, and said, "Hey, slim, what's your name, and what is your duty of the week?" (OOC Note: Each guard has a different duty for each week.) He said with a sly grin.

Mongo grunted in response to the mudokon. "Ah, whatever...So, why you sitting at our table? I wouldn't expect any of you new prisoners to come all the way over into this far corner just to eat with us. What'cha want?" he said in somewhat of a nicer voice.

Kreda listened to Mongo and the mudokon talk while finishing up her soup. She finished it with a very loud gulp, and plopped the bowl on the table and put her elbows down on the table, looking like a bored school-child.
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

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07-15-2009, 04:42 PM
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IC: "Frank sir, I'm supposed to be on tower duty , i was going to head up there as soon as i get my rifle." Frank dropped his salute, he waited for the captains reply.

when Taze reached the court yard, he headed to weight lifting area. He then stretched his muscles before he began. Then he detached his pants and began with some push ups.

Last edited by mr.odd; 07-15-2009 at 05:46 PM..
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07-15-2009, 11:49 PM
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Wevar walked up to Bonest. He took one look at Bonest's right hand. "Been training again?". Bonest nodded. Wevar sighed, "Take it easy kid, you've got the rest of your life to train. You're on guard duty soon right?". Bonest nodded, "Yes sir. Down in courtyard". Wevar smiled, "Alright then, good luck kid". Wevar stood next to Ziglet.

Bonest was going to have a bit of a nap. He set his alarm clock for 30 minutes and crashed out on the bed, instantly falling asleep (young Sligs were very light sleepers).

Noah sighed, "Just a chat... that's all". Noah continued to eat his food, being sure to take out the bones and gristle every so often. He looked at Kreda, she reminded him of a friend he knew on the outside. Noah looked out of the prison windows to see a clear sky. He looked at Mongo, "So, how long have you been in this place?".

I stream games and art now!

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07-16-2009, 09:10 AM
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IC: Forret (janitor) swept under Mongo's chair anyway, not even hearing what any other inmates were saying, and continued to sweep around the room. Once he had finished, he headed out and towards the Laundry room, broom in hand.

Rallin couldn't abide the foul meat stew any longer, and left it on the table as he stood up and left the cafeteria. He headed for the courtyard, and sat down on a bench once he reached it. Soon becoming bored due to his abnormally short attention span, he began to carve his name into the bench with his sharpened shiv.
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07-16-2009, 09:49 AM
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Name: Lubbent
Race: Wolvark
Gender: Male
Age: 46 (Earth Years)
Appearance: Lubbent has a sort of hunch, useful for excuses, and paler skin than your average wolvark. He wears tattered and far too big jeans, along with an unpleasent orange shirt.
Personality: Lubbent is an old, crusty, stubborn, and lazy inmate. He does very little anyone tells him to, since he's been here so long. He does most of this out of pure spite. He often uses his back as an excuse not to do any work. Needless to say, the guards often get annoyed with his constant disruptions. However, he is careful to draw the line in just the right place, and can weasel his way out of a whole lot of things. Unfortunatly, with all his nasty habits, he has very few friends.
History: Ironicly, Lubbent got into this prison at age 38, by trying to sneak in and kill another inmate who he felt should have been sentanced to death. He managed to kill him, but couldn't find his way out again. The guards caught him, sent him to trial, and was sentanced for life in Prison city. To begin with he lived in District B, but was moved to District C for reasons unknown. So now, he's been District C's pain in the butt for 4 years.

IC: Lubbent was, as usual, late to lunch, and walking slowly towards the cafeteria. He was feeling a little extra nasty today. 'Wouldn't it be funny if I holler'd sumthin like "Riot! Riot in tha courtyard!"? Everybody'd laugh after they all found it wus a joke.' Thought Lubbent. Picturing the chaos he would cause, he thought about how to avoid punishment for it. 'Trick o' the light I guess mister warden. Well it sure don' looked like sumthin' wus goin' on out thar. Yeah... A rest tha's what I need... Ter get mah mind straight...' He chuckled at the thought. Deciding it was time to cause some trouble, he took a detour towards the courtyard.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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07-16-2009, 09:51 AM
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OOC: Guys, I hope we all can wait a bit inbetween IC posts .... ya know, for the guys here that don't completley have time for the RPG ....

Name: Ly
Species: Mudokon (inmate)
Age: 18 (Human years)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Her skin color is a dark blueish/purple (Like Abe, really). Ly has big yellow eyes, with large black eye lashes, and on her head is an orange feather that flows down to the middle of her back. She wears typical, poor Mudokon clothing. A top and loin cloth. Both pieces of clothing have large horizontal stripes of pink and light grey. On her bare shoulders and knees are black tatoos of the OWI logo (Don't ask her where she got it, she won't tell)
Personality: Very rude, and very rebellious. Ly has a mean attitude. She doesn't let people get in her way, and if they do, they're in for some REAL girly attacks of doom. She looks at people like crud and mostly thinks of her own needs and instinct. This somewhat makes her into an evil little feminist. She likes to think she enjoys freedom and nature (which is why she constantly tries busting out of prison) even tho she doesn't understand those concepts that much.
Equipment: Well ..... none besides clothing. But Ly's tattoos have some special powers. They can create a sort of Flashbang around her body, allowing for her to blind any intruding enemies and make an escape. However, such a power can only be activated when the situation calls for it.
History: Made known after escaping from a pie business (and killing a couple lawyers and the Big Cheese himself), Ly was facing a life of crime from the start. Knowing this, she decided to live life fighting "The man" and his business corporations. She has used many tactics that those Tree-hugging terrorists have used. Until one day, she got caught while trying to shank a Gluk. This is the reason for her capture ..... she could face much more than many years in prison ..... Time after time again, Ly has tried escaping. She used her tattoos' newfound powers a couple times to help out in her escape, but every time, she would get caught ..... Ironically, Azkiz is the only who's ever caught her, and all times were by pure accident. (Cuz Azkiz really doesn't care, and would most likely LET her escape out of his pure laziness)

IC: Azkiz grunted when the inmates didn't pay attention to himself. What are these guys? Snobs among trash? The Musklum slowly picked up his UZI and turned off the radio. "Hey guys! Try ta show a lil' respect to Da King! Will ya?!" He then made his point by turning the song back, only this time, higher volume and full explosive blast.
Ly angrily sighed to herself when the local Musklum trash, Azkiz, brought in his music. She really didn't mind "Jailhouse Rock", no matter how loud, but she basically just hated Azkiz becuz of all those moments he's caught her. The Mudokon decided to scoot away from the Musklum, and bring her lunch closer to some less annoying prisoners (Mongo and Kreda). She didn't know these guys, but they oughta be better company than a loud mouthed guard like Azkiz ......

Last edited by Chronicler; 07-16-2009 at 09:58 AM..
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