Venks: given Lorne's recently expressed opinions, it's unlikely they'll be developing retail boxed games for consoles. At the outside edge of possibility is console download stores but Steam is much more likely given that Lorne has repeatedly said how much he like that system and that it does not limit the number of potential customers in the way that choosing one particular console does.
I know how he loves digital distribution, but I just can't see any Oddworld games being exclusive to Steam. OWI has since the very start been trying to reach the widest audience possible. I think it would be much more difficult to advertise for a game on Steam then it would be for a 360 title. I mean the biggest pool of gamers that could receive the type of minimum content I'm expecting from OWI would have to be console casuals. As casuals vastly out number the hardcore players and most of them don't use Steam.
I can see marketing a XBLA game so much easier then I could Steam. Perhaps that will change in a few years or I'm currently perceiving something wrong. OWI has always tried to reach every platform and get the best advertisement they can. That doesn't mean they accomplished what they tried to do, but I still carry my faith.
I just wish Citizen Siege was out already. I've been telling people about the movie for years and it still isn't out yet. I hope my expectations aren't so high that I end up not enjoying it. Its just every time I distrust a move from OWI I realize how wrong I was to judge them negatively beforehand. Therefor now I expect nothing short of the best movie I've seen so far in my life.