On special request from the man himself I'm making his birthday thread while it's still Tuesday in England but around 3AM in Melbourne.
Happy Birthday Nate
may you continue to be a loved and valuable member of the Oddworld community as you pass through your great midday of life, go straight through your late twenties into your thirties and eventually become an old bitter man, alone and cold, moaning about how awful the world is becoming and the dreadful state of your prolapses.
Also I'd like to personally thank Nate for all the help and advice he's given me, at the expense of his own sleeping patterns (And solitary lunch patterns) these last few weeks, I really really appreciate all that you've said to me
Ladies and gentlement, wish a very very happy twenty seventh birthday to Mr Nathan Rose, AKA Nate AKA nate_dog_woof AKA Thorn.