well ,i think it kinda sucks , but i'll keep it comin' for ye'.
and about the fire , i did it with adobe photoshop , some genius made some brushes that are shaped like fire , so i just chose the fire color and did it.
use pictures from togg and try to copy the anatomy of abe and the slig (by hand) then try to shade them (in photoshop if you want) to make them more realistic
If i may make a suggestion, i say try to look at models of sligs, muds, and people in various poses to get anatomy and shading correct. I find it helpful to use a light lead for initial planning, and work in layers. Every famous artist does so, from Michelangelo to Dali.
yes , it was done in photoshop , and it's version was CS3 Extended.
i don't know exactly which versions the brush pack works for but it worked for me.
by the way i used the copy method and made a picture , with the reaver in the middle , kain's symbol to the left , raziel's symbol to the right.
If you know your way around Photoshop, why not invest a bit of time and learn how to digitally color a picture? There are a lot of good tutorials on the web on this subject and they aren't that hard to master .
i don't have scanner so i use my digtal camera and i have to turn off the flash , but because the flash is turned off , it always appears blurry , cause i kinda have those shakey hands.
Good job, nice drawing.. Also the fire is quite good.
"La mano marchiata sul viso della luna, brillava per il solo eroe Mudokon su cui la gente contava. Con la pelle color blu e gli spiriti a guidarlo. Salvare le nostre ossa, solo lui potr?* farlo. Ma se nel piano dei Glukkon mai dovesse cadere alla stirpe Mudokon, non resterebbero bandiere." [Preludio, Abe - Exoddus]