For me, that entire level is the toughest section of the game. It takes a while to get right.
For me, the toughest parts of AO are the scrab-chasing, gap jumping puzzles. I hate them so much that I make AO glitch (you can repeat a secret area in Paramonia to save 3 extra muds) in order to skip one of them and still rescue all 99 muds.
Anyway, that room is quite large. It's unfair that it has only one save point at the beggining of the level. However, to make it a hell of a lot easier on your next AO play-through, you can exit that room once you've done a bit of progress, and then you can go to another room to activate the save point there. You can then come back to the room that you're trying to complete and re-activate the save point.
It's not as good as quicksave, but it helps. It's also a strategy you can use throughout AO.