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06-24-2008, 05:44 PM
Rabid Fuzzle
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Why can't we report PMs? I hate it when Chubfish insults me. I used the search feature, but I couldn't find anything.

Last edited by MeechShrykull1029; 06-24-2008 at 05:48 PM..
06-24-2008, 05:51 PM
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IMPORTANT SUGGESTION: You really should name your threads something meaningful, rather than just using words like 'suggestion' or 'idea'.

If you're being harrassed, send a PM to a moderator with the offending PM quoted. I would recommend Max. He's good at that sort of thing
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

06-24-2008, 06:23 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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Here's a suggestion: block him!

Last edited by used:); 06-24-2008 at 09:55 PM..
06-24-2008, 08:11 PM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
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Or an alternative: You could start being a sensible and contributive member of OWF, then people would like and respect you instead of slamming you all the time. =P

Now THAT'S an important suggestion.

06-25-2008, 01:05 PM
Rabid Fuzzle
: Apr 2008
: Inside Fleechonian Necrum...
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That's what I'm trying to do. Most people have already stopped being mean, but Anonyman! and especially Chubfish are obsessed with insulting me.
06-25-2008, 01:31 PM
Chubfish's Avatar
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That's what I'm trying to do. Most people have already stopped being mean, but Anonyman! and especially Chubfish are obsessed with insulting me.
That is it. I've had it with you Meech.

You always ask me for the latest part of my walkthrough with blatent disregard for the fact I'm BUSY with my own life.

You never understand that after my SATS I could still be busy, cause I still have school and I can't get free time to do my walkthrough.

You should either just give up and find another walkthrough, or just not PM me, it's starting to really piss me off, don't ask and I wont insult you.

And don't spam my Walkthrough thread.

06-25-2008, 03:11 PM
Mojo's Avatar
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Walkthrough? Doesn't that spoil the fun?
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

06-25-2008, 03:19 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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That's what I'm trying to do. Most people have already stopped being mean, but Anonyman! and especially Chubfish are obsessed with insulting me.
Well you're very insultable so it's not really their fault, ya know? It's like seeing a really cute puppy and trying to not pet it. It's very hard to do.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

06-25-2008, 06:07 PM
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That's what I'm trying to do. Most people have already stopped being mean, but Anonyman! and especially Chubfish are obsessed with insulting me.
Ahahaha. You sent me a PM to stop attacking your stupid gaming thread and I told you to toss off. Quite different from "being obsessed with insulting" you.
06-26-2008, 02:17 AM
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06-26-2008, 03:05 AM
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And the Oddworld Forums 2008 Poster Award for ‘Most blissfully unaware post’ goes to Mojo!

p.s. Listen, children, just stop bitching about each other on OWF. It’s actually very amusing, but I’d still prefer that if you have a serious issue with another member you take it to a staff member as you have already been told. Bringing your problems up in public is just an invitation for even more members to start taking swipes at you.

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