Over the last two weeks or so, for some unknown reason, the VBlog has become insanely popular, with about five entries, easily, every two or so days and over five comments for each entry.
Because of this new-found 'Return of the Blog' I suggest that the Blog layout system needs a bit of renovation, if at all possible. I trust I'm not alone in the view that I'd like to be able to follow a Blog after it's been bumped off the front page, and using the whole blog subscription system is
far too fiddly. Firstly; I never know whether a Blog is worth following or not untill a few comments in and secondly I still have nightmares from where my number of subscribed threads in the forum seemed to multiply by magic and filled around 50% of my inbox before I could stop, Sorcerer's Apprentice style.
I know it's just meant to be a fun add-on for the forum when all's said and done, but, it has become quite a popular system and I'd like to see it have a chance to evolve if VBulletin and Peter's blood alcohol level allows.
And would it kill Them to make a sort of mini rep system for Blogs?