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04-01-2008, 05:06 AM
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If you could ask Lorne and Sherry one thing, what would it be?

If you could ask Lorne and Sherry one thing, what would it be?

I'm still thinking of a question but I'll let you know when I think of one

04-01-2008, 08:02 AM
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What an odd thread.

I suppose the one thing that still confuses me is why Fangus was announced barely a week before OWI revealed that they were closing shop.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

04-01-2008, 08:28 AM
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"Why did you remove the boing sounds when the fuzzles jumps?"
04-01-2008, 08:36 AM
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If you had made movies instead of games would the Abe's Oddysee movie have the same clips like in the game?
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

04-01-2008, 12:09 PM
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Finally! A thread on the Oddworldforums for which kinda silliness I'm not too old yet.

Ah, anyway. My question would probably something about their biography. I mean the whole thing, not only where they've worked before and stuff...
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04-01-2008, 01:13 PM
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I'd ask what hair gel he uses
[ http://www.paulsapps.com ]

Crawling sligs will shout "Mommy!" while running around and then the slig mommy will appear and help them put their pants on.

04-01-2008, 02:25 PM
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I'd ask what hair gel he uses
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04-01-2008, 02:53 PM
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Scrab Semen.

04-01-2008, 02:59 PM
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Just how much Spooce did it take for Lorne to come up with Oddworld?

04-01-2008, 03:52 PM
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I would finally get a clear answer on whether Gorman Disenza was just a figment of Paul O'Connor's imagination, as is completely obvious to all right-minded people.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

04-01-2008, 04:13 PM
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I'd probably ask them something that'd annoy them, such as why Munch had to suck so hard, before grilling them over not developing for the PC. :P Yay.

But no, if I seriously ever met them, I'd thank them for making such an awesome game series, then I'd talk to them about thier creations and about how some things in the Oddworld universe came to be. I'd like to know where Citizen Siege is going and what their plans are for Oddworld if CS is successful.

04-01-2008, 06:01 PM
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I'd ask them, "What's up?"
04-01-2008, 07:30 PM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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I'd seriously annoy Lorne until he tells me exactly what was supposed to happen in the rest of the Quintology, because I'm dying.

I'd ask them about what happened to "For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys. It's about the chumps like you and me who live in an overwhelming and uncaring world."
I'd yell at Lorne for being so inspired with the videogame medium years ago, and having such great expectations for it, and now that those expectations are being fullfilled (in regards to gameplay, graphics, quality, etc.), why they have to make movies now.

I'd ask them when they're intending to continue with the Oddworld story, and through what medium.

And I'd ask Lorne why he got a haircut.
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

04-02-2008, 04:55 AM
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And I'd ask Lorne why he got a haircut.
Haha, Alector would ask that, too. :P

04-02-2008, 08:47 AM
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I'd ask: why don't you continue "The Oddworld Quintology"?
But I still have lots of questions. Can I told you others?

04-02-2008, 08:56 AM
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Just tell us all of them, in one post.

In any case, I'm pretty sure the answer to your first question is that they are finishing the Quintology, only it will be in movie form.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

04-02-2008, 01:18 PM
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I'd ask them about what happened to "For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys. It's about the chumps like you and me who live in an overwhelming and uncaring world."
A game that went down like a tonne of bricks is what happened.

04-02-2008, 06:17 PM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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Well, if you're talking about Munch's Oddysee (AO and AE hardly went down like a ton of bricks), it's not really the fault of the plot or the idea that I stated above. If you ask me, MO has a story as good as AO and AE. It's the fact that OWI were just trying to do more than was possible for those days' technology, and they sort of got ahead of themselves.
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

04-02-2008, 07:26 PM
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"Hi, how are you? Oh shit! I just used up my one question!" *Head Explodes*

But seriously, I would ask something along the lines of "Why do you keep announcing projects that you do not complete? Why not wait and only announce it when construction is set-in-stone?"
Last edited by Salamander : Today at 05:18 PM.

04-02-2008, 08:47 PM
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I wonder if any of you would actually ask questions such as these; most of them seem to be a tad sarcastic or spiteful. If you only had one question to ask, wouldn't you want to know something more about the Oddworld Universe?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

04-03-2008, 03:39 AM
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A Confirmation as to why Abe's lips are stitched up!

04-03-2008, 06:52 AM
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I wonder if any of you would actually ask questions such as these; most of them seem to be a tad sarcastic or spiteful. If you only had one question to ask, wouldn't you want to know something more about the Oddworld Universe?
Well, who among us really would get that opportunity? :P But more likely if any of us did, it'd be an interview or a series of questions, rather than just one.

A Confirmation as to why Abe's lips are stitched up!
That's something that's explained on this Dear Alf page, dating back from when OWI decided to answer fan's questions.

Q: Why is Abe's mouth stitched up, all the other Mudukons' mouths aren't?

Alf: Abe's lips were stitched up to keep him from chanting. It didn't work, and Abe could have removed his stitches a long time ago, but he keeps them as a reminder of what he once was, and what awaits us all if he fails.
Seeing this page makes me all reminiscant. :P Don'tcha just miss the old days sometimes?

04-03-2008, 08:24 AM
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That's something that's explained on this Dear Alf page, dating back from when OWI decided to answer fan's questions.
Yeah but there have been at least three different explanations by OWI of why his lips are stitched up. I want him to tell us which one it is.

04-03-2008, 09:08 AM
OddYouko's Avatar
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Lorne says Abe's lips are stitched up because he cried too much when he was a baby.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

Last edited by OddYouko; 04-03-2008 at 10:25 AM..
04-03-2008, 10:23 AM
Creepy Doc's Avatar
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I thought it's to keep him from talking to the fellow slaves.
They call me Creepy Doc. But don't be afraid... I'm really not a doctor.

04-03-2008, 10:40 AM
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I thought it's to keep him from talking to the fellow slaves.
Didn't work very well then, did it?
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

04-03-2008, 01:42 PM
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It's all of these! Hence the need for Lorne to tell us which one (and explain why the other explanations were offered).
I wonder if any of you would actually ask questions such as these; most of them seem to be a tad sarcastic or spiteful.
This is true. When I met Lorne, I could hardly even entertain the thought of bring up Clakkerz and the online rage we had over them and the other SW characters. When he said Fangus wasn’t set on Oddworld Xav and I were ecstatic, but we never said ‘THANK YOU. That shit just isn’t Oddworld, man!’

04-04-2008, 02:59 AM
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About the lips: Perhaps it's as simple as the fact that maybe Lorne doesn't really know either?

I mean I heard several reasons too why Abe's lips are stitched. Personally I think it's because Abe was originally designed to be a monk, and he had his lips stitched because monks are supposed to be silent and all. When the whole meat factory idea was created, this idea of Abe having stitched lips was transferred over to a more sinister setting.

When old ideas are made to fit into new concepts, it wouldn't surprise me that production staff can get confused over them. Perhaps this happened to the Lips idea and each member of staff came up with their own different reason for them, but it was so insignificant compared to the other stuff they had to do that they maybe didn't discus it properly among them. :P

You see what I'm getting at, don'tcha?

04-04-2008, 03:03 AM
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You simply can't ask mean or embarrassing questions to Lorne. He is way to nice when you talk to him for you to want to annoy him.

04-04-2008, 10:55 AM
abe is now!'s Avatar
abe is now!
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Ok, here's my latest quetion. I have only this because others can be answered in the Oddworld Q&A or maybe they have been already answered in the Oddworld FAQ. The question is: will we see all the creatures, the places and the characters you mentioned in the past? I mean everything you mentioned in the past.

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