About the lips: Perhaps it's as simple as the fact that maybe Lorne doesn't really know either?
I mean I heard several reasons too why Abe's lips are stitched. Personally I think it's because Abe was originally designed to be a monk, and he had his lips stitched because monks are supposed to be silent and all. When the whole meat factory idea was created, this idea of Abe having stitched lips was transferred over to a more sinister setting.
When old ideas are made to fit into new concepts, it wouldn't surprise me that production staff can get confused over them. Perhaps this happened to the Lips idea and each member of staff came up with their own different reason for them, but it was so insignificant compared to the other stuff they had to do that they maybe didn't discus it properly among them. :P
You see what I'm getting at, don'tcha?