Hidden oppressions in our daily life
Sorry, I can't shut up.
Since a very long time, after getting inspired by mankind's stupidy written down in history books, I'm always having my eyes open for things that are senseless today (besides wars, animal testing, abusing, ETC, ETC). And I ask myself what could be considered to be normal today, but the future generations will say "Whaha? What the hell were they thinking?"
Not too long ago, black people were extremly oppressed just because their skin was dark. For example, there were these "blacks only" and "whites only" signs everywhere; bus stops, restaurants, restrooms, cinemas, churches... I mean, whaha? Hey man, it's just their skin! Skin! They're still humans, just like you!
But it was normal for them to treat black people that way.
Okay, now I found out many other things in our daily life that I consider to be senseless but which are "normal". Of course, they're not as worse as the oppression of black people, but still things that have influenced a lot more than you think!
Restrooms, two, for men and women. I mean, why do we need two seperate restrooms? When you get in there, you can close your door when you go use a WC and noone will see you. And about the worries of man about being watched while using a urinal, it is also impolite to be watched by a man and not only by a woman! K3
My question is just why do we need to seperate genders? It's just the gender! We are still humans!
Things like that support stereotyping of genders. And ended up with this; female victim roles in movies, 90% male heroes in stories, underrating of women's skills, playboy business, ... and what the hell!
There are few other things I've realized:
Lipstick. What does lipstick do? It makes your lips look red. Why? Because when you are horny, both men and women, the lips get red. Men seem to love women that simulate to be horny. Weird, that they say that it's feminine to be so and wouldn't wear libstick themself.
Shaving legs. Men don't do that, but why do they say that women have to do that? Children don't have hairy legs, and men seem to prefer anything that is younger and also smaller than them. So they like women who simulate to be (way too) young, probably because it's easier to keep them under control and boss them around that way. In movies you often see that the hero's girlfriend is smaller and younger too. They try to influence the watchers that this is good that way, and anything else is too weird!
Women shoes. We KNOW that it's very unhealthy and painless for the feet. Women wearing them probably caused that they became smaller, with these broken feet they got from them.
I mean... hello?!
Forgot that we are STILL humans no matter what gender we have? Why can't we just live and work together in harmony?
Okay, just wanted to get rid of my thoughts again. See ya! K]