beings of power have decided that the forums are in need of change. That, and we thought it'd be fun to fuck with you guys. On to the changes!
Due to the waning activity of some of the Oddworld Forums' Staff, I believe it is time to let them go - gently, of course. I had originally proposed to replace one, rather than just demote, but it was decided that it wasn't necessary due to the current overall forum activity.
Zulag Two
- Rich - Rich had been the Zulag Two Super Moderator for longer than I can remember, and back in his heyday was a top notch member of staff. It's a shame to see him gradually fade away, but our lives have a funny way of taking over as we get older. Thank you for the time and effort you put in, Rich.
Fan Corner
- Al the Vykker - A dedicated member who's seen Fan Corner go through many many Moderators in his time. I hope you do well with your psychology degree and don't forget to check in from time to time - if not merely to post more pictures of yourself so Max can reach orgasm

After many years waiting, and numerous sexual favours later,
The Oddworld Library has at last been granted Oddworld Forums' sponsorship. In other words, we are endorsing TOL as a promoter and official supporter. It allows them to do all sorts of things that I can't think of. Please welcome TOL to the OWF in her newly created and over-hyped W&B thread!
Owners & Administrators
To complement TOL's addition to sponsorship, Max the Mug has been promoted to Administrator. So has Nate. In fact, we decided to go completely overboard with the promotions: Abe Babe and I are now Oddworld Forums Owners!
Besides Max, these promotions are purely cosmetic. Abe Babe, Nate and I all retain the same powers and responsibilities as before. But Max joins Nate as an Administrator to manage
all forums, and
all members. We have decided to drop the position of Global Moderator as in this instance, it was more practical to move Nate and Max into the Administrators role - as they are practically the same thing.