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12-06-2007, 07:13 AM
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Improvised story writing

Ok, so me and two mates decided one day that we were going to write a story! But not just any story, we decided that we were going to write it by taking it in turns to write one word!
So, here's our first attempt:
Once apon the hill thousands o' pygmy bottom cheesier eaters ate thousands o' pygmy monkeys alive because Richard incinerated his elven bread pygmy style elephants. Ammaris shot ten-million drow but they used chickens to Richard's advantage and his bouncy grenade blew downward into his shoes but they had superior rhinos that destroyed a stone which spoke in elven and viking whilst killing more drow. Until one special woman wearing spiked bikinis which turned invisible when hit by giant cockerels and other unidentified frying oldies who suck tobacco sticks. The woman, Richard's sex-slave, jumped onto Richard and screamed "I love sausage rolls and your friend, the drow pygmy burger." She bounced up and away to the land of potato wedges that fly away...
I apologize if you now feel severely disturbed.
I also apologize if this in the wrong forum I was not sure whether to post it here on in the 'non-oddworld art and litrature' forum.

Now! Throw criticism at me!

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12-06-2007, 08:03 AM
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What the hell?

That was too funny even if I didn't quite get it! The bouncy grenade made me laugh out loud along with the invisible bikini.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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12-06-2007, 02:12 PM
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One word at a time stories are always fun. But SOMEONE closed the topic I made for it at one point... Meh.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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12-07-2007, 07:04 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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Here's another... Lots of dieing in this one.
In the beginning a man, thousands of yeons old, took twenty dirks to his apartment after working for ten thousand milliseconds. He died. But then lived. Then he died. One day dead people died. Then Richard died. Thousands murdered millions, Sparata slaughtered some more. But someone died. "Murder him!" cried Pommelbooboonaana. He jumped and died because he died. Women died -(hyphen) of death because Syphilis died of aids. Then lived. Death died of living on a BBQ. The BBQ died. Santa died, living, dying, and dying. God didn't create Pinocchio but died. Or he lived. Then he slaughtered himself... YAY! lol! Mean-while, Richard's cockerel whipped his glove. Then died. Spartan people died. (Lived!) Pigmys lit their eyebrows and slit their throats. "Die you pygmy bunny!" said Richard. Undead rabbits mate in dead carcasses. Meanwhile, dieing, Hallucination-Man jumped onto Rhianna and bounced away. Just then living pigmys died an incredibly excruciating life defying death. Somewhere on death's bed, Richard murdered ten thousand slugs and chickens. Rudolf flew around nuclear missiles while dieing. And hell died on cocaine but lived. Or died. Died whilst dieing. Raccoons sniff flowers. "Kill Asians or Pakistanis" hiccuped Richard. Lol! Earth died. OMG! The dead, frothing at their spartan friends, died. Rapids and other Spartans killed science and space. "Hoorah!" "Spartans!" "Hi" "BOO!" "Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" "Hi" "mmmmmmhmmmmmm" The-end.

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12-07-2007, 07:23 AM
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Reminds me of a random joke my freind made. That was really funny but what's a dirk?

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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12-07-2007, 07:24 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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what's a dirk?
I believe it's a throwing dagger of some kind. I wouldn't know, it wasn't my word.

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12-07-2007, 05:41 PM
Mutual Friend
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Funnily enough, I recently discovered a similar effort myself and a friend made at high school, only we took it in turns to write entire paragraphs, which lends a far more coherent narrative.
Life! Death! Prizes!

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12-08-2007, 01:57 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
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Ooookayyy...Werid, but certainly funny XD SPARTANS! lol classic
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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12-08-2007, 10:31 AM
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I love these things exept I find it better if you take it in turns to write sentences.
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12-08-2007, 07:38 PM
scrab queen's Avatar
scrab queen
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Oh, wow. What are you guys on, and why don't I have any?! This is absolute pure sophistication of which cannot be matched! I think I'll start a club for this at school...
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12-12-2007, 08:00 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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OK, we tried writing a story one sentance at a time this time. However it turns out that it has become less of a stroy and more of a debate over what the story shall be about.
My two companions have decided they want to be named. Also I have decided to let you know who wrote what. So here's the key:

And here's the story:
Richard the undead mage laughed. "Ha ha ha." He was happy because someone died. They died of syphilis. But just then people died when they lived of death. Death died. Life lived. Spartans say "die". And so they died. "This is Sparta!" screamed the spartan. Whilst killing, Postman Pat sang a song. "This is burbary!" screamed the burbarian. Conan was his name. His sidekick was called Bill. Bill died. Conan the burbarian screamed "NO! Don't Kill Bill vol3!" But it was too late. Bill had already died, been resurrected, and died again. His last words were "No more Kill Bills" and also "FOR PONY!" Or was it. No 'twasn't! OK OK OK, alright already, his last words were actually "Aghhh", "Blood gurgle". That's correct, for now. Or is it? Yes it is, *cries*. Alright back to the story. Or not, maybe we could could just never let anyone know what happened to the burbarian, OK, not! Incase you didn't know, something is written then disagreed with, twice. Or is it? Anyways, ignore these two, Conan the burbarian founs the fork of vanguishing. What, no he didn't. Or did he? Yeah he did, he also slaughtered thousands of dwarves. I still say he didn't. I think he died, yes, he did die. Ok, so um Richard's back. he picked up the fork of truth from Conan's dead body. I thought it was the fork of vanguishi thing. It wasn't a fork at all, it was a spoon! Fine *sigh* it was the spork of vantruth. Nice, but NORMAL people use swords, guns, that sort of thing. Ok, maybe it was a spork-cannon-beam-lazer-of-ultermate-masterly-vantruth! Ok, right we've picked a weapon now. Richard used the above weapon to destroy the city of Athens. Just so you know, Telrynya is to lazy to right the name of the weapon. Wait, when did Richard come back? Nine lines down, lol!! I wonder if this makes any sense whatsoever. Um, is it supposed to? No it isn't, but it is funny. We have the talent to write lame stories which are somehow funny. Funny as in laughing at us? No, laughing with us Carnix. Should we continue with the story. um, that was a question so you needed a question mark, and you didn't need to refer to who you were talking to, and I didn't need to write this sentance. Right, so anyway... WTF are you guys doing? I am going to write this sentance which has nothing to do with anything. Facinating, I am going to write this sentance that will end now. Richard used the spork-cannon-beam-laser-of ultimate-masterly-vantruth to resurrect the Rhino of bouncy lekkola. Lekkola is a wierd name. Yeah, lets call it something like Bob or Dave. Stop it, Stop it, Stop it *cries severly* I'm gonna leave in a min (not) but anyway just stop it. Let's call it land of meshasmits. No, land of the meshasmitmarshmellows. OK, but can the bouncy grenade tree be in the shoe of destruction please. But it's the square triangle of doom in Germanista. But what happens to Conan?!!? You guys said he died, but Richard resurrected him and they bathed in each other's love juice. Right....... Lets introduce a ponynyny. Or we could debate the love juice thing, I mean, WTF?!!? Because they are both secretly gay Carnix! Lets stop there before it gets sick. Or just leave the whole love juice thing alone and continue the story. Ok. Uhhhh what do I say. umm, mmmmhmmmm? Richard resurrected Conan and they went to kill the drow mage, Kaerlic Sunnwett. Must restrain from comenting on name. Yes, must restrain... Or say 'good name Telrynya', some appreciation guys. Fine, niiiiiiine, can't do it, to hard, besides, he's dead, who cares. He's dead? When did that happen? He's not dead, we need to describe the gut wrenching battle. Fine, blood spray, screams, use your imagination, and NOW he's dead. I think he should be un-dead. Ok he's un-dead. DAM it Telrynya, let go of the drow, he's DEAD! Yes, stop holding on! Ok guys, I let go, he's falling like that dude out of 300. I know! Lets bring in a spartan (army). Ummm, can they all die in the end? I don't have a say so, whatever. You do, and you wasted ot so the spartan army went to war with... what you choose. With... I don't care! They just died! No, they went to war as an un-dead army with Asia (300 rip-off lol!). And now I'm going to get back-tracked. So long as they die. No, the spartans are un-dead so every pygmy carrying any bouncy rhinos dies. Do they die painfully? Yes. So, we end the story now? Yeah, everyone died... To be continued...

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12-12-2007, 08:09 AM
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I like it better with one word. And the colouring is hard to read. I don't see too much reason on why to note who thought of what.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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12-13-2007, 08:05 AM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
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This is so funny, i'll have to try it sometime. Cx
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12-24-2007, 06:49 PM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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I actually think this was some decent rondom humor.
I see you jockin' me.

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01-09-2008, 09:29 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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Ok, I won't use colour coding on these.

This one was done before christmas but I never got round to uploading it:
Word was dead because Syphilis vomited over Gonorrhoea. Narf ran like his butt. Kaerlic Sunn Wett the bed grenaded druggie monster that died licking his third toe like tenthousand Americans' trousers. Drow eat food. Meanwhile, Unkillable-man died. The football ran onto Frank's brother's rhino. This isn't funny. Barry died. Barbecue's taste was dead. Why die? Life sucks so fly away to balloonaanonanifrishivixbajimbo. NO. God used. Richard died. Khazideae (who?) (Lubu) Dynasty Lorriers gotten sworded. (blank)ity blank.
If you could make sense of that last one you get a free cookie!
This next one should make a little more sense.
One suicidal day someone slaughtered himself because Richard smiled at Anima's butt. Anima destroyed herself. Slaughtering Richard's sex-slave. Kaerlic ate her left toes and licked a thousand black hard astronomical ass's nutty vanilla chicken-flavored triangular clocks when Richard enticed a bag warrior who killed Spartans. Onehundred suicidal years passed in Borbune Street as Suicide-chimp flew suicidal then crashed. Committing fraud, people died. Dyeing's fun! Living isn't... or yayy! Guitar Heroses played at somewheres specialist like Youranus's chiropractorismist. Randonisationing killededed Sephiroth's ant army's soldiererer's spoon. (he meant spork) Spoonorkism rules but Richard rules all... all exept what Spoonorkismites can't read. But Spartaninites rule nothing except everything but nothing and no-one nothing rules anything except Jafar because finallysming licks almighty rhinoingism. Feet was suicidal when Richard spasmed into tenthousand suicidal chimps who explodeder loudlile andid dredisminged. Hogwarts EXPLODED! Yayyyy. "Hi" exclaimed Kaerlic queerly before suicidingly murdered herself. Richard was dead or Conan the burbarian died. Conan the burbarian choked and died again. Conan the burbarian burnt and died for the third time (repetition). Beer-wolf suicidally went to Iraq and died of an STD outbreak that only affected Beer-wolf and Angolina Jolie died screwing dildos into oblivionisming onto his face. "Hidyhololohy" (brackets) and thus it comes to an end. That's it from us. Bye. All over... unless we make another. We'll be back in a minute.


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01-09-2008, 11:41 AM
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I prefer it with colours.

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01-09-2008, 06:32 PM
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I understood! Do I get a cookie? Or another backhand?
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01-09-2008, 11:01 PM
Carnix's Avatar
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I understood! Do I get a cookie? Or another backhand?
You can have a cookie! This one in fact:


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01-11-2008, 05:28 PM
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