Alrighty, this takes a truly odd mind to figure out.
First, you go down the spiral, sicking your fuzzles on the way down, and using the ZAP vendos to assist them. Make sure that you don't zap the interns into any walls, for they will not fall to the ground, which is what you want.
When you get towards the bottom, there will be a room full of 4 (or 5--i forget) interns with about 12 fuzzles in cages. DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT go in, sick your fuzzles and release the caged fuzzles while they are attacking. Actually you could, but at leeast 4 fuzzles will die.
Instead, tell you fuzzles to wait back at the zap vendo, and then let one or two of the interns see you and lead them to your army. This way, you SHOUDLN'T lose any fuzzles. Quiksave beforehand just in case. Repeat the process until all the interns are dead, then go into the next couple of rooms and save the fuzzles you have rescued using the portal. After that, just a little doggie paddle to the end.
Then you have a tedious level of water-mines and boonches of spooces. On that one, avoid the slogs, free fuzzles, kill interns, and saving the fuzzles after each area will open the wells to the next area. After that is the SNOOZER level (great fun)
Good Luck, and may Odd be with you.