I think that when you die, you appear in a different world, sorta like afterlife, but it could be something you really enjoyed doing while you were alive... Like returning as a character in a book or a game.
That tends to be the sort of thing we'd
like to happen, rather than the chances of it actually happening, though I'd like that alot. Who wouldn't?
Also, reincarnation is another appealing idea, but if it did happen, would we remember anything? Animals aren't as intelligent as us particularly, so would we think the same? We definitely wouldn't remember anything, otherwise there'd be all sorts of weird animal behaviour around.
I'd say nothingness, but such a thing is incomprehensible to the human mind, and maybe the thoughts of there being an afterlife at all was merely an attempt by earlier cultures to try to reject the fact that when you're dead, you're dead, screwed, whatever. Maybe there is something, but it's just completely impossible to ever be sure at all. Most of these sorts of things are completely incomprehensible, the thought of there being literally nothing before us, since the mind will be gone completely, and we will not exist in any way at all.