There is a lot of interest in the mud drones, primarily because we know so little about them.
Abe's father wouldn't have had any effect on Abe's specialness because he would also have been the father of hundreds, if not thousands, of Abe's brothers.
True true wasn't thinking about that, but still I wonder about Abe's father. What happens to all the Drones after they've mated with Sam? I really hope they arn't grinded up into sloggie chow.
Sense Abe and his friends are all just workers that means they have no reproductive organs so they ain't male. As Alf said they just have male names.
Another thing just throwing it out there, a lot of people seem confused with Scrabs killing each other in AO and AE, but not MO.
It makes perfect sense to me, Scrabs seem alot like lions to me in terms of being territorial and having the one alpha male leading the pack.
Sorry about that ramdom thought now back to drones, Alf says that he isn't really related to Abe, only in the sense that all mudokons are related. I wonder does that mean that Alf has a different father, mother, or more simply do workers from Sam just not consider each other siblings? Would the same apply to sligs or do Big
Bro Sligs understand the relationship? Well... as dumb as they are perhaps not.