Bionicle Heroes
Now...I played the First Bionicle Video game...And it wasn't all that good...
I have not played Heroes yet. But from watching my friend play it, I have come to this conclusion...
It is almost the exact same as Lego Star wars.
Sure, the camera is thrown behind the character. But the rest is virtually identical.
you start off in a commen place where you walk around to a shop, levels, and a trophy room. Just like in Lego Star Wars. When you are in the levels. you collect little lego pieces to use as currency. Same in Heroes, although the pieces are lego technic pieces instead of lego system pieces. There is a meter on top where you see how many lego pieces you have gotten, and how much you need to fill it up. Just as in Lego Star wars.
AND....There is canisters that you collect in hidden places, and if you collect all of them in a level, you create a small lego thing which you can view in your trophy room. As in Lego Star Wars.
And that's not all. But I don't want to take any more of your time to say that Bionicle Heroes is Virtually Identical to Lego Star Wars.
The fact that they have the same creators helps out.