First of all, I'm surprised that you guys care this much about the storyline. Second of all, there are explamations on some of these flawes.
AO Mudokon Pop flaw: Now this one is easy. One Mudokon equals 5 Mudokon Pops in the first place, so there is less Mudokons that they could kill. Besides, nearily two thousand Mudokons die each month at Rupture Farms. Surely they could use those Mudokon parts to supply them food. Another thing is that if the factory can take that many deaths, then they can take wiping out half of their labor force. Besides, Rupture Farms could employee Interns.
Lulu Fund: This one had to take some thought, but think it this way. If Munch and Abe just needed to go through a blimp to save the Gabbit race, then they could have done that. However, if they simply just did that, the Mudokon race would suffer. By going through a few factories and other operations, they could have saved Fuzzles, rescue Mudokons, prevent Labor eggs from being born, and cause some Glukkons to lose power. See, if Abe and Munch just jumped into Vykker Labs to possess someone like Tex, many other Mudokons and the such would still be in capitivity. In fact, in the orginal plot, there were other races and even more of the other to save. So even though this was not the fastest idea to do, Lulu Funds let Munch and Abe do just more than save one or two races, but save Magog Cartel and Vykkers from striking back.
Steef Head: Stranger probably wasn't confident that he could raise that much moolah. He needed the moolah to save himself, so he needed to find a way to be certain of raising that much moolah.