I think you guys need to think less about plots of the games being transformed to the movies than the important themes. The plots of the games cannot (repeat: cannot) be transfered to the movies as they would not work - the games are about a solo character (or a pair in MO) exploring and performing some actions whereas a movie would be more about the interactions between the main character and the supporting cast (and "hello, follow me" doesn't count).
Consider then that what is important is not the plot points about how many mudokons you've saved and where you've been but rather the themes regarding environmental and cultural destruction, addiction, animal testing power, money, abe being the saviour of the muds, munch being a lab rat, etc etc etc. These are the important points that will be transfered, not that there was a mud standing on a trapdoor in Zulag 1, screen 14.
Thus, there is no reason why AO and AE could not be combined into one movie. Visiting and destroying Soulstorm Brewery is less important than that Abe (and, in turn, the viewer) learning about the Brew and it's history.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.