I think Scrabs would run faster than paramites, but for gameplay purposes, they made them the same. Otherwise, the Scrabs would be
too fast and you wouldn't stand a chance.
Scrabs may be stalled by food, just that there was never such a section, so we'll never know whether they would care in real life or not.
I don't rememeber a Scrab spawner...
But this thread is a bit silly: It's like comparing dogs to bears or something.
I've never seen a Slog jump a gap...only off of heights. Usually to their doom.
I don't agree that Paramite sections are better. You still have to use Scrabs and pull levers and stuff. They're just...not so social.
of cource they could also be like barking sligs without guns
Oh, and how come you could possess massive Scrabs, but not Slogs which are certainly more feeble?