Didn't the guy in Rain Man have autism?
"Gotta get my boxer shorts at K-Mart"
I really should see the rest of that movie...
If that was autism, what sort of super abilities do you guys have, like his counting one?
Yes Raymond Babbit did have autism in the Rain Man movie.
He had good functioning autism, not so good functioning, so it will be considered high functioning autism, but still good functioning.
But he also had Savant Syndrome, a condition where the person is often mentally retarded, but have incredble powers by some kind, like Rain Man are good to calculate and remember, some others have photographic memory (they just need to see a picture for eksample in T.V., and then they can paint it perfectely), some others have perfect absolute picht (they just need to hear a melody, and then they can pefectely play it on a musical instrument without problems), and so on and so on.
The most incredeble is Kim Peek who inspired Rain Man, Kim Peek can read two pages in a book at the same time (left eye reads the left page, and right eye reads the right page), and he reads the two pages on 10 seconds, and he can rembember 99% of it.
He can in fact remember his 6700 books, all american post box numbers, and all the american cities local telephone code.
But as i have heard, he is not autistic, but he have no corpus callosum, damage to the cerebellum, and he was born with macrocephaly.
The other most incredeble is Daniel Tammet, because he can calculate like Rain Man, but he is not retarded, and he can explain how he does it (he is a synaesthetic, a condition where the person mix the inputs in the brain, even the senses and can for eksample taste colors, see sounds, feel smeels, and taste pain, and he have a sound and a size for each number to 10.000, so when you for eksample ask him: "what is 5467^2", his brain will make the numbers "code" and then make the result "code", and then he just need to remember which number does have that code and then he says the answer: "29.888.089")
Actually there is only circa 25 savants on the whole earth, so do not think that any of us have it.
But actually there is many like you who thinks that if a person does have autism, the person is also automatically savant.
P.S.: Savant Syndrome + Autism = Autistical Savant.
P.P.S.: The Savant Syndrome is also called Idiot Savant, because many are mentally retarded.