Two months have pasted since the BBS incident and Spider was walking down a path not far from the village, thinking about how well his new pack was doing. It had taken some getting used to referring to them as his pack and not his brood. Spider had managed to scrounge up four slig pants for them and, like him, can move just as easily in them as they could without. Each of his pack mates have developed skilled based on their abilities:
Tok was as observant as ever and nearly matched Spider in fighting ability. He has become proficient at using a spear.
Bas stayed true to his more peaceful nature and concentrated on the medical field. He did learn to use the bow and arrow though and was no slouch in a fight if he needed to.
Ner was getting better at mechanics, though many of his ‘inventions’ either blew up or just plain didn’t work. Fighting wise he still used hit and run, but could hold his own in a straight up fight.
Rik used his smaller size to the utmost, often scouting ahead. He found whips to his liking and used them to disarm his opponents before using hit and run.
Spider’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard something in front of him. He stopped, sniffed the air and caught the scent of several unfamiliar sligs. He waited patiently; he knew what was going to happen and was ready for it.
As he expected, a group of industrial sligs came out of hiding and surrounded him.
“Well lookee what we came across…” the Alpha said, “a certain crossbreed the Magtog has been lookin’ fer.”
“So yer found me.” Spider said calmly, “What are yer goin’ ter der now? Shoot me?”
“Well the management said yer are worth more alive then dead, but not ter hesitate ter shoot yer if yer cause us any trouble. So either yer come along nice and quiet like or we shoot yer full of lead.” All the sligs then pointed their guns at him.
“Well then…I’ll ask yer somethin’ else…” Spider said coolly, “Der yer really think I’m out here by myself?”
The sligs started looking around nervously. With a unimpressed snort the Alpha said, “Stay calm…we all know he only works by him…ugh!”
The rest of the sligs looked in shock as their Alpha suddenly fell over dead with a spear sticking out of his chest. They all looked at Spider who just shrugged with a smirk on his face. They shifted nervously, not sure whether to flee or fight.
“Any last words?” Spider said with a smile, showing his teeth. They took a couple of steps back as Spider unfolded his arms and arched his back.
It was then the rest of the Spiders attacked, tearing into the sligs. Things happened so quickly and unexpectedly that they couldn’t react. Within a minute, all the sligs were either dead or unconscious, not a bullet was fired. Spider surveyed the scene as his pack regrouped around him.
“Any injuries?” Spider asked.
“Ok minor scrapes and bruises.” Bas answered.
“Good, very good.” Spider said with a smile. That smile turned into a frown as Spider turned toward Tok, who tensed. “Tok…yer acted before I gave the signel…what have I told yer ‘bout patience?”
“I…I’m sorry Spider…” Tok said, hanging his head, “I got anxious.”
“I know.” Spider said with a sigh, “Yer lucky they didn’t jus’ start shootin’ wildly. Next time we might not be so lucky. Yer must think of all the consequences before takin’ action.”
“I’ll try harder next time.”
“Hey…fer only two months trainin’ yer did really good, all of yer. And with continued trainin’ we could become the best pack in the village.”
“Yer really think so?” Rik asked.
“Without a doubt.” Spider smiled, “Lets head back, I’m gettin’ hungry.”
“When are yer not hungry?” Ner smirked.
With a slight chuckle, Spider smacked Ner upside the head. “Smart aleck, race yer back.”
“Yer on!” the rest of the pack cried and they raced each other back to the village, laughing all the way.
Next Fic 'Black and White'
Let's see after that one its 'Snap and Departure' and 'Shriek'
*sees task ahead and faints*