people who hate pontless topics, look away now.
i would like to start a pointless tradition of mine that is so retarded, it's something to laugh at. i will change my signature every month to include a joke that could even make my father laugh (my pop's one of those uptight guys who rarley laghs at jokes). here's last month's joke:
A little work never killed anyone.... important.
palpatine: i threw the whole senate at him! true story! *ring* vote for papa palpatine! *you have a collect call from '(mechanical breathing) darth vader'*
palpatine: hold on i gotta take this. hello? how's my favorite sith? whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. what?! they blew up the death star?! [beep] [beeeeep] [beep] !!!!! who's they?! you coudn't protect a two meter thermal barrier! what the hell's an aluminum falcon?! god, i didnt even pay that off yet! what?! just rebuild it? oh, and who's going to give me a loan jack-hole,you?! do you have an ATM on your chest lite -brite?! Now get your 7 foot 2 asmatic ass back here, or i'll tell everyone what a whiny bitch you are about pandanomi or panda bear or whatever the hell shes called! (away from phone): oh, he's crying. okay okay, stop that. i've been dealing with alot of crap latley. you know, the death star blown up by some [beep] teenagers. I... I... yeah ,I... okay, I...(whispers): i love you too *hangs up*
based on a scetch by robot chicken
below is the new one