Statikk's Movies to Stay Away From.
Lion's Gate really did a great job of whoring themselves out with this muddled and poorly paced flick. They got it a big showing America-wide and gave the film to every major reviewer and it paid off.
My biggest beef is that its way too hard to follow. Everyone receives these revelations and profound life experiences that intricately intertwine with everyone about ten poorly placed, shot, and paced minutes.
They also make Asian people look like assholes in the film and Dillon's role sucks big time and is overacted and preachy.
This is worth a dollar halfsies rental with a bunch of your drunk buddies to MST3k it.
On my rating scale...
0-1: Battlefield Earth with man ass
1-2: Battlefield Earth
3-4: A Val Kilmer Batman movie.
5-6: This is hard but I'm going with Titanic.
7-8: Pretty good, movies you liked as a kid but still dig now like the Goonies, Sandlot, stuff just a cut above the rest but missing that something to put it over the top
9-10: teh kickass, Goodfellas, all those 'Nam movies from the 80s, 90s, major culturally significant blockbusters like Star Wars, Jaws, Jurassic Park, cult movies that you love like Falling Down, Repo Man, and Army of Darkness.
I give Crash a 6 and there is no way it should have got film of the year
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.
Last edited by Statikk HDM; 03-16-2006 at 10:27 AM..