Heya Weretigres! Good to finaly have you post your introduction thread... after everything I had to do to get you to do it >_>.
Yea, she's a friend of mine which I forced to sign up here :P.
Ah, one of Havoc's merry men... or women... Does that make her Maid Marian?
Anyway, welcome to the land of the damned, I mean Oddworld Forums. Please form an orderly queue against that wall, in case of emergency panic in that direction.
And remember, come Hell or high water, come flood or earthquake, the show must go on!
Welcome, I am Abeguy, unofficial mascot of this here forums, and probably after I post this, someone will give the name of someone who supposebly is "more appropriate" for the job.
Welcome Lady WeretigressX, with a new member brings hope to this otherwise stinky pitfall